
natural language interface for file systems 🗣️🖥️

Primary LanguagePython


"The hottest new programming language is English" - Andrej Karpathy

no more memorizing unix command cheatsheets... filechat is all you need
filechat lets you talk to your computing with plain english 🗣️

e.g. e.g. telling the computer in english update permissions so that owners can have read/write access to photos is a lot easier to remember than find / -name "*.jpg" -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;


video is played back at 1x speed, running locally on a m1 pro macbook with no external connections (no gpt key needed!)

uses llama3 w/ ollama 🦙

how to setup (the old way) 😴

git clone https://github.com/dannyl1u/filechat.git

cd filechat

pip install -r requirements.txt

python app.py

but if you have filechat... 😎
