iOS app with 3D model implementation in E-Commerce using SceneKit
The uniqe feature that this e-Commerce application have is where each of products in product catalog have their own 3D model that could be rotate, zoom in, and zoom out by the user so that the user could see clearly how is the product will look a like. Moreover, the registered user could directly log in only with their Touch ID/Face ID depends on the user’s device as long as the user accept the permission to login with Touch ID/Face ID feature in the future when the user login. The rest functionality of the app is same as with another e-Commerce app such as, add to cart feature, add to favorites feature, checkout feature, search product feature. This app also integrated with Firebase database, the login information for the user will be store here as a cloud database to verify whether the user already registered or not
This application invloved some concepts:
- Swift UI
- SceneKit
- Firebase
- SPAlert
- LocalAuthentication
- Firebase
- VStack
- HStack
- ZStack
- On Boarding Screen
- Custom Font
- Custom Text Field
- Custom Corner
- Custom SceneView
- @AppStorage
- @ViewBuilder
- @Published
- @State and @Binding
- @StateObject
- @EnvironmentObject
- @FocusState