
Ansible play creating aws auto scaling group with prometheus and wordpress on docker.

Primary LanguageShell


This creates an aws autoscaling group with one instance running, it creates the security group required withing the default vpc and creates aws keypair to connect to the instance.

Software requirements

Ansible 2.4


stack creation depends on below repository wp_stack

using fixed ec2_lc for ansible 2.4 bug 30268

Check execution steps

ansible-playbook create_aws_resources.yml --skip-tags "destroy" --check

How to create resources

Creates aws server with wordpress running and prometheus, grafana for monitoring the stack

ansible-playbook create_aws_resources.yml --skip-tags "destroy"

Create resources with different settings

Creates aws server in a aws region and vpc you specify

ansible-playbook create_aws_resources.yml --skip-tags "destroy" --extra-vars "aws_region=us-west-2 aws_vpc_id=vpc-xxxxx aws_ami_id=ami-6e1a0117"

Destroy created resources

Destroys resources created

ansible-playbook create_aws_resources.yml --tags "destroy" 

How to use if not using userdata

add a new userdata file with only installing python

create aws resources

ansible-playbook create_aws_resources.yml --skip-tags "destroy"

run setup playbooks to configure stack

ansible-playbook setup_stack.yml --private-key=keypair-wpstack.pem

Important to read

  • Ansible would throw errors on security group creation if the ansible version is less than 2.4. Please update your ansible version.

  • subnets in vpc_zone_identifier should be changed before running relevent to your vpc, also ami and vpc id should be updated

  • you would run into a bug in ansible version 2.4 when using ec2_lc more details

    use below file to replace ec2_lc.py in your ansible installation file location : /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_lc.py replace with this https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/ansible/stable-2.4/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_lc.py