
Locust Operator Created using operator sdk

Primary LanguageGo



Performing loadtests require lot of effort and preperation, inorder to generate traffic similar to production environment a distributed load generation tool would have to be used. Locust is a very popular load generation tool which supports writing test cases in python. The purpose of this project is to provide ready to use solution of locust.io for performing distributed load testing.

Guides on load testing

Locust Operator supports two different deployments setups for locust.

  • cluster: creates a single master with multiple workers.
  • standalone: only master instance of locust created.


Go Report Card

How to install Locust Operator

Create related dependencies for the operator

make apply-resources

Deploy CRD to a kubernetes cluster

make create-crd

check if operator pod is running

kubectl get pods
NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
locust-operator-5fb99cfd9b-k5w4b   1/1     Running   0          118s

Create Locust Custom Resources

create CR

Deployment of locust master only

apiVersion: locustload.cndev.io/v1alpha1
kind: Locust
  name: example-locust
  image: amilaku/locust:v0.0.1
  hosturl: https://postman-echo.com

create CR with

Distributed locust deployment with workers

apiVersion: locustload.cndev.io/v1alpha1
kind: Locust
  name: example-locust
  slaves: 2
  image: amilaku/locust:v0.0.1
  hosturl: https://postman-echo.com

To Do

  • Autoscale locust workers with HPA.
  • Load Generation per given rate.
  • Prescale application deployments in a Kubernetes cluster before starting load test.
  • Generate Report


build operator


make build-img

push docker image to repo

make push-img