
Run Flow as an ESLint plugin

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ESLint Flow Demo


  • Lower barrier: Any editor that has ESLint support now supports Flow 🎉
  • Less editor configuration: No need to change your entire workflow to incorporate flow. No multiple-linters-per-file nonsense.
  • Simple: It's literally just an ESLint rule! Just install the dependency, add a flowconfig, and you're good to go!

Getting Started

This guide assumes that you have installed eslint, babel, babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types and configured flow. Check out the from-scratch guide for the full guide on getting started.

⚠️ Make sure the 64-bit version of your text editor or IDE. For atom, see this comment

1. Install

npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-flowtype-errors

2. Configure

Extend the recommended config:

  "extends": ["plugin:flowtype-errors/recommended"]


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CI Configuration

Flow is supported on all OS's except Windows 32bit. Add this line to appveyor to make tests run properly.
