This Elixir application implements an in-memory cache based on these requirements.
Find the documentation in the doc
folder. Once you clone the repo, you can open doc/index.html
in your browser.
The application API is defined in the Cache
$ mix deps.get
Resolving Hex dependencies...
Dependency resolution completed:
$ iex -S mix
iex(1)> Cache.register_function(fn -> {:ok, length(Process.list)} end, :proc_count, 120_000, 60_000)
iex(2)> Cache.get(:proc_count)
{:ok, 108}
iex(3)> Cache.get(:foo) # no registered key
{:error, :not_registered}
iex(4)> Cache.register_function(fn -> {:ok, :timer.sleep(30_000)} end, :slow_fn, 120_000, 60_000)
iex(5)> Cache.get(:slow_fn, 1000) # timeout for slow executions
{:error, :timeout}
$ mix credo --strict
Checking 10 source files ...
Please report incorrect results:
Analysis took 0.1 seconds (0.04s to load, 0.1s running 64 checks on 10 files)
26 mods/funs, found no issues.
$ mix coveralls
===> Compiling parse_trans
==> eiger_cache
Compiling 5 files (.ex)
Generated eiger_cache app
Finished in 4.9 seconds
20 tests, 0 failures
Randomized with seed 603260
100.0% lib/cache.ex 70 3 0
100.0% lib/cache/application.ex 13 1 0
100.0% lib/cache/store.ex 58 6 0
100.0% lib/cache/supervisor.ex 48 5 0
100.0% lib/cache/worker.ex 129 17 0
[TOTAL] 100.0%
- The application uses an ETS to store the data. Check
documentation for details - Every time a new function is registered (by calling
spawns a newCache.Worker
process - The
processes are gen_servers. They are registered globally with the givenkey
, mainly because the:global
module allows to use any type of term as name (the requirements specify that key can be of any type,key :: any
) - Each
process sends a message to itself everyrefresh_interval
milliseconds to execute the function and (if the function returns{:ok, any()}
) update the store