
Repository for teaching students about Github

Credit to MasseyHacks for the original and much of the current content.!!..

###This is an awesome change for everyone!!

What is Git and where do I get it?

Have you ever thought about programming on a team? How will you all work on the same code without messing each other up? How will you keep the same code updated amongst everyone on the team? And what happens if you need to roll back some of your code to an older version?

Git repositories were invented for these purposes. Git is a control system that helps you manage your code, from working on the same code with a team to managing different versions and revisions of your code. The repository is where your project files will be stored, which can be code files, images, word documents, and any other files that may be relevant to the project. In fact, this guide is stored in its very own repository, that's how we're making it publicly accessible to you right now! Cool, eh?

GitHub is a website that uses this control system, and we will be using it to store our code. There is a free version, which requires your code to be visible to the public, and there's a paid version that allows you to have private repositories - we will be using the free version for this workshop.

If you plan to do any coding with your friends or colleagues, whether it's in the industry or just for fun, you'll probably end up using git repositories in some capacity. It's a very useful tool, and something every programmer should have experience using, so let's get started.

This workshop is not meant to be an all encompassing course on Git and GitHub. Instead, this will teach you just what you need to know about the two to be able to work in a group effectively during this hackathon, while hopefully gaining an understanding of the core concepts behind using a git repository.

What programs do we use

  1. You're going to need a GitHub account
  2. Get yourself a copy of GitHub Desktop: A friendly GUI version of a interfacing with your repository
    • Download GitHub Desktop for Windows/OSX
      • Once you've downloaded it, be sure to run it and login using your GitHub account information
    • Linux not supported, sorry. If you're a Linux user, chances are you're going to want to opt for a command line tool such as Git SCM

Creating a repository and what to do with it

We're going to go through the process of creating our first hello-world repository, and then talk about how we're going to use it, so let's get started.

Creating a Repository on GitHub

Let's get the online repository up and running first. Head over to your web browser go to GitHub's Website.

  1. After you've logged in, in the upper right corner next to your username, click the + and then click New repository
  2. Name your repository hello-world
  3. Write a short description, if you'd like
  4. Make sure the Initialize this repository with a README option is checked off
  5. You're ready! Click the big green Create repository button

Cloning a Repository on GitHub Desktop

Now that you have your online repository up and running, you've got to make a local copy of it by cloning it. Let's go over a brief rundown of what that means.

We want our project files to be stored online on GitHub's servers, so everyone in the group can access the same code and so GitHub can handle all of our changes. But, in order to work with the files you've got posted on GitHub, you're going to need a copy of them locally on your computer. To do this, you clone the repository to your computer using GitHub Desktop, which will pull the content from the server to your computer. This way, the program knows where the code came from (your online repository), and after you have made some changes to the files and folders in the project, you will be able to use GitHub Desktop to push those changes up to the server so everyone in the group can access those changes.

So this means there's going to be a version of the repository files online (on GitHub's servers) and a version on your computer. You're going to be aiming to keep the two versions synchronized; when you make changes to some of the files locally, you're going to need to commit and push those changes to the online version. Likewise, if someone else in your group pushes changes to the server, you're going to want to pull those changes to your local version, so you can work with what your group members have added or changed.

I really can't stress how important it is to understand this push/pull relationship between your local copy of the repository and the version that lives online, on GitHub's servers, so let's go over what these words mean again:

  • Pushing is what happens when you commit your changes from your local copy of the repository up to the online server
  • Pulling is what happens you retrieve (in GitHub Desktop, they also call it syncing) changes from the online server down to your local copy of the repository.

Push up, pull down, sounds simple enough right? We'll go over some of the problems you may encounter later, but for now let's get to cloning our repository and creating out local copy.

  • Desktop Users (Windows/Mac):
    1. This step shouldn't be necessary if you logged in after first installing the program, but in case something went wrong there, let's cover it here:

      • In the upper right hand corner of the program, click the icon and go to "Options":

      • Go to Accounts and click Add account
      • Under Log in fill in your username and password for GitHub and click Log in
    2. Now that you're logged in, click the encircled + icon in the top left. This will open a menu that will allow to "Add" a pre-existing repository, "Create" a completely new repository, or "Clone" a repository that you have on github.com

    3. We want to "Clone" the repository we made on GitHub, so click the "Clone" button at the top

      • A list of all the repositories linked to your GitHub account will be listed
      • Select your hello-world repository
    4. Click the check mark at the bottom of the dropdown menu

      • This will bring up a dialog box asking where to put the repository
      • Choose the directory you want to put it in (or create a new one), then press "Ok"
      • The window should now look like this:

Important Note:

At the top right, there will be two circles, one small and solid, one large and hollow. These are basically a timeline of the changes the repository has gone through. The solid dots represent commits that happened in the past and the hollow circle represents the current state of your local repository. For example, if you select that first solid dot, you will see the initial commit you made when first creating the repository, where you created that readme file. If you have the hollow circle selected, you will see what files and folders you have added, removed or changed in your local copy of the repository since you last synced with the server. We'll talk more about this in a moment.

  • Terminal Users (Linux):
    1. Navigate or create a directory, using the terminal, that you'd like to keep your hello-world project in. While within the directory, call git init. This command will automagically set up the directory for use with git.
    2. Now we've got to tell git where the GitHub repository exists. Back in GitHub, make your way to the hello-world repo page, and copy the link that's given in the top toolbar. This is a link to this GitHub repository. I've selected the link in red for you so you can find it quickly in the image below.

    3. Back in the terminal, call the command git remote add origin <link to repo>. This tells the local git repo about the online GitHub repository.
    4. Now let's get the two repositories in sync. The online repo has a README.md file. Clone it on the local repo by calling git pull origin master. Don't bother with origin or master for now.

Yay, you've cloned your first repository! Great job, now let's start looking at what we just did.

Fun fact: The online GitHub repositories search for a file called README.md and display it on the repositories web page. This is a great place to store information you want read when users first visit your repository. This entire guide is written in one of these readme files!

When you were creating your hello-world repository, you opted for a README to be created for you. If you look at your webpage right now, you can see it in action as a giant box under the list of files in your repository, and it contains the description that you initially gave to the repository.

GitHub also supports Markdown editing with README's. Normally, the filename is README.md. If you don't know what Markdown is, don't worry. Just treat the README as a regular text file.

How to create your first file and push it to the server

So now we have our repository cloned and ready to go on our computer. Let's try adding a file to the project and getting that file up to the server.

Adding a file

Open up any text editor you like (notepad, notepad++, vim, etc) and enter some sample text into the file.


Now here's the important part: save the file in your hello-world folder that the cloning generated. The reason being that GitHub Desktop is keeping track of any files and folders that get added, removed or changed in that folder. Once you've done that, you'll be able to see the file name in GitHub desktop in the list of changes.

Pressing the next to a file will change whether or not git will include the changes when you go to commit (later on). You can even click on the file to show you what changes were made:

This is a bit different if you're using the terminal in Linux, so let's go over that too:

  • Use the command git add to add the file. There are lots of options to choose from:
    • git add <filename>: Adds the given file and nothing else.
    • git add *: Adds all the files in the current directory.
    • git add .: Adds all the files in the current directory recursively. That means that, for a folder that is sitting within your directory, all the files and folders within that folder will be added too.

Committing the changes

This is where the fun really starts, committing changes. This is the step just before it gets pushed up to the server. When you commit a change, it makes a record of that commit on your machine. It basically tells your local repository "Hey, I added this file, and here's why." You can even pick and choose which changes you want to commit by checking them off.

Once you've chosen your files to be committed, and the message that will go with it - and trust me, you're going to want to make sure this message gives you an idea of what you changed - you'll press the commit to master button and presto! Now, where did they go...

Well now that you've committed those files, you'll notice at the top right corner, under the sync button, we've got a new dot, and it's hollow too. That's your commit. If you click on it, you'll see the files you committed and the message you sent with it. The reason it's hollow is because it still hasn't made its way to the server, only your computer knows about it right now, so let's fix that.

For those of you who are using Linux, committing is one simple command that you can run anywhere in the directory.

  • Call git commit -m "<message>", where <message> is something to describe the changes that you've made in this commit


We've got our commit primed and ready to be sent off to the server, so let's send it there. Press the Sync button to synchronize your local repository with the online GitHub one. As soon as it's completed, any hollow dots you created with commits will now become solid (Note the very last dot will never be solid because it represents the current state of your local repository).

Linux users, make the call git push origin master. From before, you should interpret this command as pushing everything at master, the local git repo, to origin, the online official GitHub repo. You'll have to provide your GitHub username and password for security.

And that's it, now it's up and live on the server! Congratulations! 🎉 You've just made your first add, commit, and push! If you visit the link to the repository in github, you'll see your changes there.

Pull merge, commit, push, and merge conflict: what do they mean?

Now let's talk about that sync button, shall we? Remember when we were talking about pushing to the server and pulling from it? Well, this little button does it all at once for you. It's meant to try to make the process easier for you, by handling the flow of data in the right order. Pressing this Sync button is what you will use to push commits to the server, and what will pull changes down from the server. It keeps you synchronized with the server best it can every time you press it. And the best part is, it can take care of some of the problems that come with collaborating with other people on the same project.

If you were working all by yourself on a project, you wouldn't likely run into any problems when it comes to pulling and pushing content, because the server only ever gets edited by you, but if you're working on this project with others, you're all going to be updating the server with new files and changes. So let's talk about what can happen in some of these situations, and how to solve some of the problems we'll encounter.


So let's look at scenario. Within the directory, your friend in the group created a file a.txt, and you created a file b.txt. Your friend commits their changes and syncs their files to the server, away it goes! Beauty. Now you want to send your file to the server too. You make the commit, and press the sync button. But wait, the server has changed since the last time you synced with it; there's a new file in the project, a.txt. So the program has to first pull and merge the new files into the project, so that your repository is up to date. After it's done that, THEN your b.txt file will be sent off to the server, zoom! Now the server has both of those files, and you have them both on your computer to work with.

Hang on though, your friend still only has their file on their computer though, not yours. They're going to have to press that sync button again after your file is done uploading, that way they're up to date now too.

This is what merging is. It's what happens when you have to merge the servers repositories content with your local repositories content. Without it, you fall out of sync, and can't upload new changes.

If you're using the terminal in Linux, you're going to have to do this pulling and merging yourself before pushing new content to the server. Let's look at what happens if you just try to commit and push your content before syncing up with the server.

The attempt to push b.txt will be rejected! Here's the rejection message:

To git@github.com:awolawol/hello-world.git
 ! [rejected]        master -> master (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to 'git@github.com:awolawol/hello-world.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.
hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.

Basically this error message states that the your repo is behind the servers repo. You don't have all of the commits that the server repo has, as the your friend added a new one when pushing a.txt. Your repository had no idea this file existed until now, so now we're going to have to fix it.

You must get all of those new commits from the online repo to you local repo. Do this by calling the command git pull origin master. This command will pull of the new commits from the online repo and merge them with your current repository. For now, the only merge is to add the new a.txt created by the first user.

When calling git pull, you will be prompted with a Vim process to comment on what you've done in this merge and why you did it. If you're familiar with Vim, great! Say some words on what you've done. Otherwise, close Vim with :q, and the pull will finish. Near the end, after calling ls, you can see the a.txt appear in my directory.

Merge Conflicts

The moment you've all been waiting for. What happens if two people are working on the same file at the same time, and commit one over the other? Welcome to merge conflicts.

Let's say one person in the group edits the readme file, commits, and pushes first. They should be able to do so successfully. But, when the second person edits the file and tries to push his or her commits to the servers repository. It will be rejected, like in the last step, where we talked about merging. However, a simple git pull, for command line users, or Sync, for Desktop users, won't fix this problem.

This will happen to command line users:

Desktop users: after clicking on the Sync button, the program should tell you that it cannot merge the changes.

This specifically is called an edit collision: when two users change the same part of the same file, and GitHub doesn't know which edit to accept. How does git fix this? Git let's you decide.

Read the error message from git pull carefully:

Enter passphrase for key '/home/jeffrey/.ssh/id_rsa': 
remote: Counting objects: 3, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 3 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
From github.com:awolawol/hello-world
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
   2aa6655..a60bbc9  master     -> origin/master
Auto-merging README.md
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in README.md
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

The line CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in README.md states the existence of the merge conflict, and that the Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. In simple English, git is telling you that it tried to merge, but it couldn't, due to a conflict in README.md. Git then tells you to go and fix it yourself, and commit it afterwards.

Well, how does the README.md look like right now? Open it up and see! Desktop users should start editing within the GUI. Terminal users will have to navigate to the file within the directory and edit it with their own tools. When you open README.md, you should see something like this:

# hello-world
this is the repo description

<<<<<<< HEAD
this line was added to README.md by the second user but pushed after the last line was pushed, causing a merge conflict
this line wase commited by the first user and pushed successfully.
>>>>>>> a60bbc9b01a8d7cd9cea9c20986db983f4279982

See the >>>>>>> and the <<<<<<<? Those two markers section off a part of the file to denote where the merge conflict exists: right in the middle of it. There is a separating ======= in the middle. Above the =======, you have the changes to the file that second user was trying to add. Under the ======= are the changes that the first user made to the file before the second user committed.

Git was kind enough to mark the merge conflict for us. Now, all that's left is to, as git told us, fix conflicts and then commit the result. So, using the conflict marks that git provides for you, manually go through the file and edit it to a final version that you want to be on the official repo.

The merge conflict should resolve, and your changes will push successfully, with this new file as the final file on the offical repo!

If you don't want to deal with merge conflicts, just don't have multiple people working on the same file at the same time.

Section 3: Rolling back the Repository to a Previous Commit

In hindsight, we've made some mistakes. important-change.txt was a permanent blemish on my career, and I'm sure whatever change that you've made to your repos were similarly deserving of regret. Let's reset the repo, to an earlier, more pristine time.

Open the Commit History

Head to the GitHub page for your repo and click on the left most entry to the top bar, the button that says X commits. You'll end up with the commit list, a page that has entries like these:

It should be just two commits: the initial commit that was made when you created the repo, and the commit that you made when you made a change back in Section 2.

Each entry contains information on the user that made the commit, the message that was given for the commit, the time it was made, and some weird mish-mash of letters and numbers on the right. That mish-mash is what's known as a commit id, a string that uniquely identifies this certain commit. It's actually a small prefix of an SHA hash and, if you click on the clipboard to the left, you can get the full hash that identifies this commit. For me, 0747e2 was actually 07047e2b04c85b9fe3609f7b91558732e3c663ed.

Reverting to a Better Time

The commit where I added important-change.txt had an id of 07047e2. Let's undo that mistake. Copy the shortened id of the commit that you want to move back to. In this case, it's the very first commit: 6a800ef.

Terminal users, call the command git reset --hard <commit id>. Afterwards, call git push -f origin master. The -f tag tells git push to forcibly push it. Git is smart: it realises that the current state of the repo is the same as one of a previous commit, and won't push to be efficient.

Desktop users, you have two options. Right after you commit, you can press "Undo" in the bottom-left corner of the window right after you commit:

or you can press the revert button on the commit page:

Both ways do the same thing.

Now go back to the official GitHub repo page and refresh. Look at the commit history now. The last commit you made is all gone. In practice, all of the commits between the last commit to the repo and the commit that you reverted back to will be irreversibly erased. You cannot revert this action.

This is not the only way

Actually, in my opinion, it's a pretty bad way to do it. If this workshop had more time, I would be teaching you git checkout or git reset --soft. However, both commands require knowledge of branches or commit trees, something that overall isn't that important to using git when it comes to using it within a small team for a hackathon. If you have some time, I'd definitely recommend learning more into it. Just Google!

Section 4: Collaboration!

The whole point of git and GitHub is being able to collaborate on a project with some teammates. Now you know how to work the two alone, it's time to learn how to work with friends -- or, more specifically, collaborators.

At this point in time, I'm going to ask you guys to split into pairs in order to simulate working teams. If you're reading this alone, grab a friend or pretend you have one.

Adding a Collaborator

On your GitHub repo page, head over to Settings. You might have to type in your password at this point. Afterwards, on the left hand panel, click Collaborators. You'll end up at a page like this:

This is where you can add collaborators to a repo. A collaborator is a GitHub user that has read and write permissions on your repo -- that is, he or she is able to push their own changes to your repo. As such, they have complete control what goes on it. Go ahead and add your friend as a collaborator onto your account.

Any collaborator can now add, commit, and push freely to the repo as much as he or she wishes! As long as they follow the steps from a couple of sections ago and clone it to a local repository.

Section 5: That's it!

That's all I have to teach you. Both git and GitHub are crucial tools in the industry, and, if you're going to Software Engineering as a career, these two tools will probably be taught within the first few weeks. There's a lot more depth to both git and GitHub that I have completely ignored in this tutorial in order to teach you all that you need to know for this hackathon within an hour.

You're off on your own for now! Feel free to come back to this tutorial if you're confused on a topic or there's something that you've forgot. Here are some commonly asked questions:

Hey, I came back to this tutorial but it's not telling me what I need to know.

Google and StackOverflow! Seriously, pretty much all of the programmers that organised MasseyHacks are self-taught and learned through continuously searching Google and reading free guids on the Internet. Let's say I wanted to figure out how to make a copy of a repository:

What more can I learn?

Again, this tutorial is barely scratching the surface. We did not discuss branches, forks, cloning, tagging, and so much more. If you're looking to learn more about Git and GitHub, here are some helpful links:

  • Here's a great simple reference guide for command line users: git - the simple guide.
  • Atlassian Git Guru Guides are really indepth and thorough. Definitely use this to go indepth for git.
  • There is a GitHub Desktop Documentation, but honestly, it kind of sucks. We've already taught you most of what you need for Desktop, and it's pretty simple and intuitive to use in the first place. The rest of the complexity can be found in the Atlassian tutorial.

Congratulations! 🎉 You've made it out alive! Now you know how to use the basics of Git and GitHub. I hope you enjoyed learning from this tutorial as much as I did writing it. @descrip