
Testing Web Application using CodeceptJs & Allure & Selenoid (Docker) together

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started


Aim of this project, Testing a website with end to end scenarios using CodeceptJs.

Explanation of Key Points:

* TestReport Folder -->
    There is Allure Reporting integration, it creates a HTML file that reports the results of automated scenarios.
    It is optional and if you want to see results in Allure, you have to run with another command.
* Screenshot Folder -->
    Takes the screenshot of failed automation test scenarios into output folder.

* Video Folder -->
    Takes the video of failed automation test scenarios into output/video folder.

* Selenoid -->
    Tests are runs in docker containers. (Dockerized Chrome browsers). In config file, you can change browser that you want.
* Specifications -->
    codecept.conf.js file contains configuration also for headless or not.
    Tests can be runned in parallel using CodeceptJS multiple specs.
    Also added start.sh for running a shell script in one shot. In shell script, run command is not integrated with Allure.
    CodeceptJs Data Driven are applied in last scenario.

Install & Run

In order to run this project;

1) You have to install Node.js, CodeceptJs. 
2) git pull
3) Switch to directory that pulled.

npm install

Install all dependencies about project. After that run,

npx codeceptjs run

Runs all tests in project. If you want to run

Additional Informations

As I explained in above, Allure Reporting framework is integrated in project. If you run below command, report can be generated;

npx codeceptjs run --plugins allure

After test execution is done, Allure creates a HTML report, that contains status,steps and log informations in a report. In addition, you can see the screenshots and videos of failed scenarios.

In order to open a HTML report, you have to run in below command;

allure serve output

You can check the references in below.