
Codal Letters Manager

Primary LanguagePython


Codal is a django website to dealing with codal.ir Letters


First make sure you have docker installed in your os.

To run application just run below command

docker-compose up -d

To prepare database to use:

docker exec -it web python manage.py makemigrations
docker exec -it web python manage.py migrate

To create a user and use codal administration

docker exec -it web python manage.py createsuperuser

Then Enjoy Codal Administration In localhost

Run Celery

To Run Celery Workers

celery -A codal worker -l info -P solo

To Run Celery Beat

celery -A codal beat -l info

Purge Celery

To clear all pending celery tasks

celery -A codal purge

Check Redis

docker exec -it redis redis-cli ping


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

