
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Checkout: Application for the cashiers (Test assignment)

This is a test assignment not a real-life production. Handles order creation with multi-special price rules system.

License Latest release

Table of contents


This simple api only has one route that is responsible to to create orders or add new items to existing ones. Products can have as many special price rules consisting of quantity and price. So, some products are multi-priced: buy n of them, and they’ll cost you less than buying them individually.

The only route (/api/checkout) accepts below parameters:

  • product - The ID of the product.
  • quantity - Quantity of the items to checkout.
  • order - (optional) The ID of the order. If exists, instead of creating a new order it will try to find the corespondent order and update it.

The API is developed upon lovely and powerful Laravel framework version 8.40.




When you made sure your system meets the requirements, clone the repo.

git clone https://github.com/amin-bf/devolon-task devolon

The above command will create a directory named devolon and clones the repo in it.

That's it. its installed.


Initialization Script

The repo is shipped with a script ‐k8s‐ to initialize and config the application.

The script accepts below arguments:

  • start: Initialize and fire-ups (deploys to kubernetes) the application.
  • stop: Deletes all kubernetes resources (Deployment, Services, Ingresses, and etc.)
  • cmd COMMAND: Runs any terminal command in repo's root directory, like php artisan migrate
  • lara-init: Initializes laravel framework and migrates and seeds the database, Only runs in kubernetes environment and you can not run it on your local machine.


In terminal, switch to repo root directory, then run Initialization Script's start command.

./k8s start

It will:

  1. Configure application and generate kubernetes' resources config .yaml files.
  2. Asks you to provide a domain name to set for the API access. It defaults to checkout.local.
  3. Deploys application and its database to your kubernetes cluster using skaffold command-line application.
  4. After success deployment and just before running the main container's default command (serving php application), it will run Initialization Script's lara-init command, resulting in:
    1. Installing composer packages using composer i command.
    2. Generating a new secret application key for laravel framework.
    3. Migrating and seeding the database using php artisan migrate --seed command.
    4. Changing the ownership of all files and directories ender repo's root directory to $WWWUSER:$WWWUSER, which is passed to the pod as an environment variable and equals to your local user's ID

You can have a brand clean database by running below command:

./k8s cmd php artisan migrate:fresh

Running Tests

You can simply run the tests using Initialization Script's cmd command:

./k8s cmd php artisan test

All the tests that use persistent data in database, use an alternative database (devolon_db_test) and will not pollute the main application database (devolon_db).


To down the application deleting all the kubernetes resources use Initialization Script's stop command.

./k8s stop

Known issues and limitations

Users who are fan of windows might have some difficulties using Initialization Script's stop command, especially with auto-injection of pwd into ./deployment.yaml.

No other issues are known yet.

Getting help

Please feel free to use the issue tracker of the repository.

and for those who have my contact information, I would be delighted to be of any help.


This repo is probably a temporary one and will not accept any contribution, but please, feel free to create another copy-repo of it if you like the Initialization Script.


This README file is distributed under the terms of the FREE. The license applies to this file and other files in the GitHub repository hosting this file.

Authors and history

I am Amin Bakhtiari Far author of this GitHub repository. Learning all the time and trying to become the ultimate multi-expert.

Hits the enter key on the keyboard and...

++ Stranger in his head:       DID YOU MEAN...? Jack of all trades, master of none :)


I hereby wanted to thank o/ devolon company for this opportunity, and for believing in me and giving me the chance to show my abilities, and also, for being so receptive and giving me such an extended time to complete the task.

I also, wanted to thank Mr. Majid Akbari, for being such a free-hearted soul, I learned a lot from him and his brilliant tips.