
Combined recording directory:

Individual recording notes:

Note: Recordings #2 & #39 are not included over here but in the next session (#3 & #40) all the topics covered in these sessions are recovered along with documentation.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230605 0225-1 Day #1

Recording link:

Desc: 30,000 foot view on AWS Cloud & DevOps Training Program to set the context of the training and understand what to expect from the training perspective.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230608 0225-1 Day #3

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on Git basics & installing the Git package on a fresh new AWS EC2 Ubuntu AMI VM.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230609 0225-1 Day #4

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on setting up Git configurations on an AWS EC2 Virtual Machine & then creating a public repository in the GitHub Account. We went through some of the basic Linux commands & then cloned (downloaded) the public repo on the configured AWS EC2 Ubuntu VM.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230610 0225-1 Day #5

Recording link:

Desc: The Session we had on Git operations on a Mac OS for a private repo with some basic Linux commands & SSH Auth process to clone the private repo.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230613 0225-1 Day #6

Recording link:

Desc: Git operations on a local env Mac OS machine.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230614 0228-1 Day #7

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on Git branching, pull, online editing, fixing conflicts using VS Code, etc.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230615 0225-1 Day #8

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had about the Git conflict understanding and solution, backing up the changes via Git, Fetch vs Pull, and Regular merge vs Squash merge.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230616 0225-1 Day #9

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on Git Revert vs Rest vs Rebase, Git init, and Cherry pick. Finally, we are done with the GIT module training that is equivalent to a 5yrs experienced DevOps Engineer’s competency.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230617 0225-1 Day #10

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on Friday about the most commonly used Software Apps Architecture & DevOps best practices.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230620 0225-1 Day #11

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on AWS Cost Explorer & SNS service setup via AWS Console manually.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230621 0225-1 Day #12

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on a few IT basics & Task #1 on AWS Cost management & enabling MFA on the root user account.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230622 0227-1 Day #13

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on AWS CloudWatch Alarms to track the total amount spent on AWS Cloud Infra & get notified via AWS SNS when the threshold amount is exceeded.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230623 0225-1 Day #14

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on AWS IAM Users, Groups, Roles & Policies (JSON format) along with setting up an IAM User with Admin access for AWS CLI & install/configuring it on a fresh new AWS EC2 Ubuntu VM.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230624 0225-1 Day #15

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on designing Networks (VPC) & Subnetworks (Subnets) on the AWS Cloud Platform using CIDR ranges. Also, we created public & private subnets using Internet Gateway & NAT Gateway with respective Route tables. Finally, we created a public EC2 Host & Private EC2 host inside the newly created network design to test the overall network connectivity.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230627 0225-1 Day #16

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on revising the AWS VPC Networking concepts.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230628 0225-1 Day #17

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on Configuring & testing a static website on the public EC2 host via Apache HTTP Server.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230629 0225-1 Day #18

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on setting up internet-facing ALB with its Target Group, Listeners & Security Group configurations to set the target as a Private EC2 Instance where Nginx is hosted & expose publically via ALB as an entry point.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230630 0228-1 Day #19

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on Auto Scaling in integration with an ALB to manage workloads/apps on the AWS Cloud Infra.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230701 0225-1 Day #20

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on creating an ASG via Launch Template in integration with an ALB via Target Group. Also, we went through the static website hosting process without hosting any servers or configurations on AWS S3 Bucket.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230704 0225-1 Day #21

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on AWS Serverless Architecture also known as AWS Event-Driven Architecture using API Gw, Lambda Functions with Java SDK & SNS Topic/Subscribers.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230705 0225-1 Day #22

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on AWS Serverless Architecture with AWS RDS - MySQL DB service. Testing the end-to-end REST API calls from the Postman tool & visualizing the data locally using the MySQL Workbench tool.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230706 0225-1 Day #23

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on AWS Serverless Architecture with DynamoDB services for NoSQL database requirements.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230707 0225-1 Day #24

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had today on configuring the logging solution for VPC Flow Logs in CloudWatch Log Groups, S3 Bucket Server Access Logs & API Gw Logs via CloudWatch Log Groups.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230708 0225-1 Day #25

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on AWS Cloud native Logging solutions for API Gw, CloudTrail and custom logging metrics collection from an EC2 VM using CloudWatch Agents.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230711 0225-1 Day #26

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on building ETL pipeline using AWS Glue jobs, Glue DB & Tables, Crawlers, IAM Roles, S3 bucket & Athena by using a test data CSV file.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230712 0225-1 Day #27

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had today on Hashicorp Terraform IaC framework & Architecture basics about configuring a tf script using HCL language & understanding tfstate, TF Core and their providers.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230713 0225-1 Day #28

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on Terraform resource definition, finding the correct resource type by following Terraform official documentation and setting up Terraform & Provider block in the TF file with a specific version.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230714 0225-1 Day #29

Recording link:

Desc: The session we have gone through today is about TF basics like Resource definition, Outputs & Variables. On the same note, we went through a very basic TF code setup with a default AWS Profile to create an AWS S3 bucket with basic configurations to understand the overall workflow along with Terraform CLI Operations.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230715 0225-1 Day #30

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on setting up AWS VPC with public & private subnets along with EC2 servers to test the network configurations setup via Terraform scripts.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230718 0229-1 Day #31

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on converting the non-modular structured TF code to the modular structured TF code base for VPC with EC2 Setup.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230719 0225-1 Day #32

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had today on Terraform module addition in existing scripts along with understanding 4 different ways to supply TF variables to your module configurations.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230720 0229-1 Day #33

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on adding a S3 module along with understanding the Remote backend for the TF code base.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230721 0225-1 Day #34

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had today regarding Terraform remote backend setup via AWS S3 & DynamoDB. Also, we have gone through the process to import an existing AWS EC2 resource into the new TF Script with a brand new TF state file.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230722 0230-1 Day #35

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had today on Jenkins Server Architecture & a few CI/CD Pipelines steps involved in most of the use cases.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230725 0229-1 Day #36

Recording link:

Desc: Setting up the Jenkins server on AWS Cloud & testing a basic freestyle pipeline manually as well as via remote URL triggers.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230726 0229-1 Day #37

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on Integrating GitHub Public & Private Repository to trigger the Jenkins Freestyle jobs from a specific branch.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230728 0230-1 Day #38

Recording link:

Desc: The session we had on fixing the Jenkins freestyle job Auth issue via Private GitHub Repo. Furthermore, we concluded Jenkins CI/CD training by setting up a complete Declarative Jenkins pipeline for Terraform CLI Automation via Jenkinsfile configurations mapped in a GitHub private repository.

Topic: AWS Cloud DevOps Training - CloudSpikes - June 2023-20230801 0231-1 Day #40

Recording link:

Desc: A brief overview of GitHub Actions setup along with a Terraform IaC Automation pipeline setup with GitHub Workflow YAML configurations.