
Enhanced WordPress menu functionality adding the ability to add columns/sections, menus, and shortcodes within a menu itself. Also integrated is a Related Pages shortcode that intelligently determines what links to show based on the relationships set within a menu.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Big Voodoo Mega Menu & Related Links Menu

@bigvoodoo, @firejdl, @thatElectricFeel

Enhancements to the wp-admin Menu interface that allow for faster, more robust, and easier to edit menus. Also includes a Related Links Menu.


This is a plugin for WordPress 3.5+ that enhances the Menu experience in several ways:

  • adds enhancements to the wp-admin Menu interface (see below)
  • saves menus to its own table to speed up generation of menus on the front-end
  • adds two shortcodes to displays menus from the admin interface - [mega_menu] & [related_links] (see the Installation section)

License: GPLv2 or later

Menu Interface Enhancements

  • Adds the ability to add a Shortcode and/or custom HTML to any menu! Now you can display forms, widgets, anything you want inside of a menu.
  • Adds the ability to add a "Column/Section" to any menu, which allows for logical division of menu items and both simpler and stronger styling.
    • Columns/Sections can have an optional header with an optional link.
  • Adds the ability to add an existing menu to a menu. Menu items that repeat in several different places can be created as a menu and added multiple times.
    • Menus can have an optional header with an optional link.
  • Adds a button to the menu item options to add descendents of page in the WP page hierarchy.


  • WordPress 3.5+
  • PHP 5.3+


  • i18n/L10n
  • Add custom links option that you can set per page or post; also the option to override the existing related links or append to it
  • Add custom menu option that you can set per page or post

Inspirations & Thanks


  1. Install the plugin in WordPress & activate it.
  2. register a menu location in your theme.
  3. Setup the menu hierarchy under Appearance -> Menu.
  4. Assign the menu from step 3 to the menu location in step 2.
  5. Use one of the shortcodes to display a menu.



Given a theme_location attribute, this shortcode displays a ul-style Mega Menu for the menu assigned to that location, which can be easily styled with CSS in your theme. Options:

  • theme_location: The location in the theme to be used - must be registered with register_nav_menu() in order to be selectable by the user. required
  • before: Output text before the <a> of the link
  • after: Output text after the </a> of the link
  • link_before: Output text before the link text
  • link_after: Output text after the link text
  • ajax: Set to "true", it loads the dropdown part of the menu via AJAX. Note, if this is set to false, you need to manually setup JS to get the menu to open/close on hover.

Example using all options:

[mega_menu theme_location="main_menu" ajax="true" mobile_toggle="Menu" before="<div class='surround'>" after="</div>" link_before="<span>" link_after="</span>"]


Given a theme_location attribute, the shortcode displays a Related Links Menu for the menu assigned to that location, which shows either children, siblings, or top-level pages (chosen in that order). Options:

  • theme_location: The location in the theme to be used - must be registered with register_nav_menu() in order to be selectable by the user. required
  • before: Output text before the <a> of the link
  • after: Output text after the </a> of the link
  • link_before: Output text before the link text
  • link_after: Output text after the link text

Example using all options:

[related_links theme_location="main_menu" before="<div class='surround'>" after="</div>" link_before="<span>" link_after="</span>"]



Allows modification of the $output, called when the Walker has created an <li> and started populating it.


  • $output: the output for the menu so far.
  • $item: the current menu item.
  • $depth: the current depth.
  • $args: the arguments passed to Walker_Nav_Mega_Menu.


function override_nav_menu_start_el($output, $item, $depth, $args) {
	if($args->menu_type == 'mega' && $depth == 0 && $args->ajax !== "true") {
		// add header
		$output .= '<h2>' . get_the_title($item->post_id) . '</h2>';
	return $output;
add_filter('walker_nav_menu_start_el', 'override_nav_menu_start_el', 99, 4);


Allows modification of the $output, called before the Walker adds </li> and after any children are added to the $output.


  • $output: the output for the menu so far.
  • $item: the current menu item.
  • $depth: the current depth.
  • $args: the arguments passed to Walker_Nav_Mega_Menu.


function override_nav_menu_end_el($output, $item, $depth, $args) {
	if($args->menu_type == 'mega' && $depth == 0 && $args->ajax !== "true") {
		// add footer
		$output .= '<div class="menu_footer">footer for ' . get_the_title($item->post_id) . '</div>';
	return $output;
add_filter('walker_nav_menu_end_el', 'override_nav_menu_end_el', 99, 4);


You can enable the default CSS in the WordPress Admin under Settings > BVI Mega Menu. If you want to customize this look, you can instead use this as a guide in your own stylesheet and have the default turned off.

.bvi-mega-menu-container, .bvi-mega-menu-custom-mobile-menu{background:#CCC;display:table;margin:0;padding:0;position:relative;width:100%}
.bvi-mega-menu-container ul, .bvi-mega-menu-container ul li{margin:0;padding:0;list-style:none}
.bvi-mega-menu-container > .menu-item-depth-0, .bvi-mega-menu-custom-mobile-menu > li{display:table-cell;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle}
.bvi-mega-menu-container > .menu-item-depth-0 > a, .bvi-mega-menu-custom-mobile-menu > li > a{color:#000;display:block;font-size:14px;font-family:Arial;padding:15px 12px;-webkit-transition:background .2s ease-in;-moz-transition:background .2s ease-in;-o-transition:background .2s ease-in;transition:background .2s ease-in}
.bvi-mega-menu-container > .menu-item-depth-0:hover > a, .bvi-mega-menu-container > .menu-item-depth-0.active > a, .bvi-mega-menu-custom-mobile-menu > li:hover > a{background:#999;color:#1a1a1a;text-decoration:none}
.bvi-mega-menu-container > .menu-item-depth-0 > .mega-menu{background:#999;display:none;position:absolute;top:47px;left:0;right:0;padding:15px 0;text-align:left;width:100%;z-index:999}
.bvi-mega-menu-container .active .menu-item-page:hover > .sub-menu{display:block !important}
.bvi-mega-menu-container .menu-item-column{float:left;padding:0 3% 25px 1%;width:50%}
.bvi-mega-menu-container .menu-item-column .sub-menu li{font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;padding:6px 0}
.bvi-mega-menu-container .menu-item-column .sub-menu li a{display:block;color:#000;padding:0 5px;position:relative}
.bvi-mega-menu-container .menu-item-column .sub-menu li a:hover, .bvi-mega-menu-container .menu-item-column .sub-menu li.active a{background-color:#999;text-decoration:none}
.bvi-mega-menu-container .menu-item-column .sub-menu li a:hover:after, .bvi-mega-menu-container .menu-item-column .sub-menu li.active a:after{display:block}
.bvi-mega-menu-container .menu-item-column .sub-menu .sub-menu li{text-transform:none;padding-left:22px}

@media handheld, screen and (max-width:767px){
	.mobile-toggle{color:#fff;display:block !important;padding:10px 15px;text-align:right}
	.bvi-mega-menu-container, .bvi-mega-menu-custom-mobile-menu{display:none}
	.bvi-mega-menu-container > .menu-item-depth-0, .bvi-mega-menu-custom-mobile-menu > li{border-bottom:2px solid #333;display:block;text-align:left;width:100%}
	.bvi-mega-menu-container > .menu-item-depth-0 > .mega-menu{display:none !important}



  • Overhaul all around to make it compatible with WordPress 4.5.3
  • Removed functionality to "clean up" mega menu in the database because it's no longer needed
  • Added logic to apply a unique class to the related links container instead of the same class as the mega menu container (helpful for styling)
  • Added logic to use default JS for the mega menu's hover functionality when AJAX is set to false or disabled
  • Fixed the default CSS to provide styling for the mobile toggle when it's being used
  • Added random int appended to the ID of related links and mega menu so it doesn't make HTML validators angry in case you use a mega menu or related links shortcode twice or more on the same page
  • Fixed issue where multiple parent menu items were appearing as active when a menu item under multiple parents was active; now it chooses the first parent available
  • Added custom mobile menu option to override mobile menu setup by mega menu


  • Always include custom pages in related links menus

    Custom pages all have a post_id of 0, which will break our check for duplicate pages. Therefore, we should include all custom pages.


  • fixed several bugs
  • added simple timeout for moving the mouse into/out of the target


  • added options to use some basic default JS & CSS
  • added ability to load Mega part of the menu via AJAX
  • fixed some bugs


  • complete rewrite from the ground up


  • initial release

Upgrade Notice


  • Overhaul all around to make it compatible with WordPress 4.5.3
  • Removed functionality to "clean up" mega menu in the database because it's no longer needed
  • Added logic to apply a unique class to the related links container instead of the same class as the mega menu container (helpful for styling)
  • Added logic to use default JS for the mega menu's hover functionality when AJAX is set to false or disabled
  • Fixed the default CSS to provide styling for the mobile toggle when it's being used
  • Added random int appended to the ID of related links and mega menu so it doesn't make HTML validators angry in case you use a mega menu or related links shortcode twice or more on the same page
  • Fixed issue where multiple parent menu items were appearing as active when a menu item under multiple parents was active; now it chooses the first parent available
  • Added custom mobile menu option to override mobile menu setup by mega menu


  • Always include custom pages in related links menus

    Custom pages all have a post_id of 0, which will break our check for duplicate pages. Therefore, we should include all custom pages.


  • fixed several bugs
  • added simple timeout for moving the mouse into/out of the target


  • added options to use some basic default JS & CSS
  • added ability to load Mega part of the menu via AJAX
  • fixed some bugs


  • complete rewrite from the ground up


  • initial release