
Things I am currently studying and studied. And my personal CS/SWE study goals tracking.

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CS/SWE/Startup Study Materials & Goals

Things I am currently studying on

  • Computer Science (Theories like OS, Compilers, Networking, etc.)
  • Software Engineering (System Design, Software Architecture, etc. ).
  • And Startup

will be posted here regularly. This is my study (CS, SWE & StartUp only) goal tracking, by setting a deadline to finish a certain topic/book.

Marathon #1 (February 17, 2024 - May 17, 2024)

Computer Science & Software Engineering

  1. Design Pattern by refactoring.guru
  2. CS110: Principles of Computer Systems | Stanford
  3. Distributed Systems lecture series by Martin Kleppmann
  4. System Design by Karan Pratap Singh


  1. Stanford StartUp
  2. The Lean Startup
  3. hour work week
  4. The Millionaire Fastlane
  5. The Dot Com Secrets
  6. How Money Works? - (Watch multiple Youtube Videos)