
Efficient Sudoku solver using backtracking, heuristic-driven cell selection (Most Constrained Variable), and forward checking for domain updates. Optimized for tackling complex puzzles swiftly.

Primary LanguagePython


This Sudoku Solver is designed to efficiently tackle Sudoku puzzles. It incorporates a blend of advanced algorithms, including backtracking, heuristic-driven cell selection (Most Constrained Variable), and forward checking for domain updates.


  • Backtracking: Systematically fills in cells and reverts to a prior state if an invalid state is reached, ensuring a comprehensive search for the solution.
  • Heuristic-Driven Cell Selection (MRV): Prioritizes cells with the fewest legal values in its domain to reduce the search space.
  • Forward Checking: Proactively checks the domain of possible values for other cells after filling a cell to optimize the backtracking process.


You can run the Sudoku solver in two ways:

  1. Single Board
    python3 sudoku.py <input_string>
  2. Multiple Boards
    python3 sudoku.py

This will process all boards in sudokus_start.txt. The solved boards will be written to output.txt.


The Sudoku Solver demonstrated exceptional performance in tests:

Successfully solved 1000 out of 1000 boards.

  • Min solve time: 0.00683 seconds
  • Max solve time: 0.75021 seconds
  • Mean solve time: 0.06824 seconds
  • Standard Deviation of solve times: 0.08870 seconds

Source Code Overview

  • Helper functions to print the board and convert the board dictionary to a string format.
  • Functions for domain checking, constraints validation, and heuristic implementation.
  • Main algorithm implementation using backtracking and forward checking.
  • Command-line interface for processing either single board input or multiple boards from a file.