
wordpress theme developed using react/redux and the WP-API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

WP React Redux is an experimental WordPress theme built using a modern JavaScript workflow: React for UI components React Router for routing Redux for managing state WP REST API for getting data from the WordPress back end. Webpack for asset bundling

** you can see an example working version on my website here


  • an example of how to develop WP themes using react and redux.
  • post pagination and the ability to load more posts.
  • previous and next links.
  • easy deployment (like any other WordPress theme).

Getting Started

what you need to have a working example of this theme: - an installation of WordPress version 4.7.0 or higher - WP prev next added to your plugins directory

then simply zip and upload the theme like you would do with any other WordPress theme


  • add seperate development and production builds.
  • add tests (WIP).
  • add continous integrations (CI).
  • add user authentication.
  • add SASS workflow.
  • add FLOW for type checking.