For this uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- [net6] - Target framework
- [YamlDotNet] - Library used to work with yml content.
- [Newtonsoft.Json] - Library used to work with json content.
- [FluentValidation] - Library used to make better validations.
- [xunit] - Library used to testing.
- [Moq] - Library used to mock dependencies.
- [FluentAssertions] - Library used to make better readable unit tests.
This tool requires the installation of .net6 framework.
Install the tool as global application in your personal computer.
dotnet tool install --global Import.Tool.Ingestion --version 0.0.1
Instal the tool as local application on your local repository.
dotnet new tool-manifest
dotnet tool install --local Import.Tool.Ingestion --version 0.0.1
This is the command in order to run the tests locally.
dotnet test "Products.Cli.sln" -c Release
.github\workflows folder have got the pipelines:
- integration.yml => restore, build and run tests for ubunto, windows and macOS latest versions.
- publish.yml => Build and tests, pack and publish the tool on, create a release on github and cleanup the artifact.
src folder have got all the resources related with the implementation:
test folder have got all the unit tests related with the implementation of src folder.
database folder has got the with solutions.