
Pokemon-based game in C++.

Primary LanguageC++


Repository for our CSE201 Project in C++

It is a Pokemon based-game. For this project, we're using the SFML library.

We splitted the work into 3 main teams. The first one is working on the map and the character. The second on Pokemons, the main menu and in-game features. And the third one on fights to which we'd like to add more dynamism.

How to run the game:

  • Download SFML for Linux
  • run the makefile in the folder campusmap by writing "make game"
  • type "./game"
  • There is one bug that we are currently fixing: after each fight, it is possible that you have to wait around 10-20 seconds before being able to move again. Moreover, using the bicycle may create some errors by shifting the collision map, even though it is quite rare.

How to play:

  • To move around, use the arrows of your keyboard to walk normally, and press SHIFT to use the bycicle in order to go faster.
  • To talk to non-playable characters, press D while facing them, and continue pressing D to progress in the discussion.
  • To access the Backpack press B on your keyboard:
    • use arrows to move around the objects and Pokemons
    • press D to delete objects
    • press X to switch Pokemon
    • to use potions, press X on the potion and then X on the pokemon you want to heal
    • to close the Backpack press B
  • To access the PokeCenter, talk to the woman at the counter (press D):
    • press X to switch Pokemons or heal them
    • to close the PokeCenter press W
  • To access the Shop, talk to the woman at the counter (press D):
    • use arrows to move around the objects
    • press X to buy objects
    • to close the shop press W
  • During the introduction:
    • press Enter to go forward
    • press the arrows when having to make a choice
  • During a fight:
    • move your Pokemon using W,A,S,D or the arrows on your keyboard
    • press 1 to use your special attack
    • left click to shoot and mouse to aim
    • left click on the balls to try and catch a Pokemon


Fonts: https://www.dafont.com/fr/search.php?q=Pokemon Tileset for the map: https://www.spriters-resource.com/game_boy_advance/pokemonfireredleafgreen/ C++ Library: https://www.sfml-dev.org/index.php Music: https://downloads.khinsider.com