
A python 'bot' that 'tail', parse and sends notifications on Snort and Suricata alert.

Primary LanguagePython



  • Continuously 'tail' (tail -f like) Snort and Suricata alert log files
  • Tracking (and saves) last read line so you can safely stop the program without reading old alerts later
  • Send parsed alerts as a notification via Telegram, Discord, Webhook
  • Alert filtering capabilities - Throwaway those noisy alerts
    • Filter stats which also includes not filtered alerts
  • Automatically restart program when certain files changes (you choose which files to watch)
  • Reverse DNS to 'enrich' source and destination IP info


Requires python 3.7.x and pip/pipenv. Pipenv is recommended

git clone https://github.com/nockstarr/alertBot.git  # Or download zip
pip install pipenv
cd alertBot
# Install dependencies using a virtual enviorment
pipenv install

If you don't want to use pipenv, check [packages] in Pipfile -> 'pip install '

Copy example config and filter

cp example_config.json config.json
cp example_filter.json filter.json

Edit config.json and filter.json
Active virtual environment (only when using pipenv) pipenv shell
Start bot python alertBot.py

Following argument(s) are supported and overrides config.json

  • Override log level python alertBot.py info|warn|critical|error|debug

First run

The first time you run this 'bot' and your alert log file is full of alerts you should disable; reverseDns and notify. Whenever it's done plowing your logs (it is pretty fast) you can stop the program (ctrl+c), and enable reverseDNS and notifications.



  • Config must exist in 'root' ex -> alertBot/
    • congfig path is hard coded in src/__init__py
  • General
    • reverseDns: true|false - Populates src/dest fields with reverseDNS
    • restartOnChange: true|false - Restarts program when changes in 'watchedFiles' is detected
    • watchInterval: Seconds - watchedFiles interval
  • Logging
    • alertBot is using logging.config.dictConfig for configuration.
    • Refer to logging module documentation for changes.
  • Sensors
    • Suricata
      • logType: eve|full|fast - Specify log format
    • Snort
      • logType: full|fast - Specify log format
  • Notify
    • notifyOnStartUp: true|falsetrue|false - Send a notification on startup
    • blackListedFields: [] - List of fields. Ignored when sending notifications
    • agents
  • PcapParser
    • Experimental. Dont enable this



  • Generated automatically
  • Path is hardcoded in alertBot.py



  • Must exist in 'root' ex -> alertBot/
  • filters.json can contain many filters.
  • A filter can contain many rules.
  • A filter can contain multiple rules with the same field(field name).
  • Filter "logic" is 'implicit AND' with 'implicit OR'.
    • This means that if a filter have two rules, then both rules has to evaluate as true (implicit AND).
    • You can also use multiple rules on the same field, but at lease one rule that uses that field has to evaluate as true v
  • Since the filter is stored in JSON format, escape chars must be escaped when regex etc is used.
    • Ex \d+ should be \\d+
  • Filters is validated during initialization and errors is logged to file and console. Errors equals program dies..
  • Supports all fields an alert generates.
  • The following filter rules is supported:
    • contains
    • not contains
    • regex -> Same as 'exactly' just with regex I guess
    • exactly
    • not exactly
    • ip in cidr
    • ip not in cidr
    • startswith
    • endswith


Example fields generated by parsing Suricata fast_log alerts(not filtered):

{'classtype': 'Detection of a Network Scan',
 'dest': '',
 'dest_port': '80',
 'gid': '1',
 'name': 'MALWARE-CNC URI - known scanner tool muieblackcat',
 'priority': '3',
 'protocol': 'TCP',
 'revision': '4',
 'sid': '21257',
 'src': '',
 'src_port': '35242',
 'time': '2019-01-25 17:58:03.598388'}

Snort alerts should have the same fields.

Example fields generated by parsing Suricata eve.json alerts(not filtered)

{'action': 'allowed',
 'dest': '',
 'dest_port': 53,
 'name': 'INDICATOR-COMPROMISE Suspicious .pw dns query',
 'proto': 'UDP',
 'src': '',
 'src_port': 51331,
 'time': '2019-01-25 01:02:23.579419'}

Payload should be b64.
Suricata can also have the following fields if available in eve.json:

  • hostname
  • url
  • http_refer
  • http_method
  • http_user_agent

Example Discord embeds message

Example Discord General message

Example Telegram General message