Stabilization of a rotating arm

Warning : Under Construction

This is a work in progress. Some of the code may not work as expected.


This project is about stabilizing a rotating arm. The arm is mounted on a pivot and is free to rotate in the vertical plane.

The goal is to stabilize the arm in the horizontal position (angle = 0). The arm is equipped with two motors and their propellers that can apply a torque to the arm. The motor is controlled by a microcontroller. The microcontroller reads the angle of the arm and applies a torque to the arm to stabilize it.

3D model


The hardware consists of the following components:

  • Motors (brushless motors)
  • Microcontroller (Arduino ATmega2560)
  • IMU sensor (MPU6050 or MPU9250)
  • Motor driver (ESC 30A)
  • Power supply (12V)


There are 3 main software components:

  • arduino: The code that runs on the microcontroller
  • dashboard: A web application that displays data from the microcontroller in real-time.
  • server: A server that communicates with the microcontroller and emmits data to the dashboard


The arduino code reads the angle of the arm from the IMU sensor and applies a torque to the arm to stabilize it. The code also reads the setpoint angle from the server and adjusts the torque to reach the setpoint.


  • MPUSensor: A class that encapsulates the MPU sensor readings, configuration, and filtering.
  • MotorsController: A class that encapsulates the motor control logic and the PID controller.


The dashboard is a web application that displays data from the microcontroller in real-time. The dashboard is built using Chart.js.


The server communicates with the microcontroller and emits data to the dashboard. The server is built using Node.js and
