
The aim of this web project is to make easy the artist personal branding (dansers, freestylers and other urban performer). UrbanNetwork will be connected to social tool using Facebook connect and TwitterAPI ...

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

UrbaNetwork project


This project is a website that will promote underground artist sush as danser, graffer and all kind of street performer. Urbanetwork is a project born in the university for our studies. We are a dev team composed of 3 members. We love web developement and we wanted to use Symfony 2 for an open source project.


Download and install the package

  • Download zip file from gitHub here
  • Unzip it in your document root directory
  • Install Vendors:
php composer.phar install

Create and/or update your database

  • create your database (if not created yet):
php app/console doctrine:database:create
  • Update database:
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Creating the upload directory and managing permission

  • The upload directory:
mkdir web/uploads && mkdir web/uploads/media && chmod -R 0777 web/uploads
  • Permission:
chmod -R 777 ./app/cache/
chmod -R 777 ./app/log/

Creating the super user

php app/console fos:user:create root root@example.com password --super-admin

### Compiling the css

php app/console assetic:dump

## Ready !
You can now use this project as a normal symfony 2 project.

## Entity Notes :
This the relations summary between the entity of the project.

Relation One_To_One

Artiste -> Mediath�que
Artiste -> CVArt
Crew    -> CVCrew
Membre  -> Annonceur
Membre  -> Artiste

Relation Many_To_One

CatPub  -> Annonce
Annonce -> Membre

Relation Many_To_Many

Annonce -> Tag
Artiste -> Discipline
CVArt   -> Spectacle
CVArt   -> Formation
Mediatheque -> Video

Relation Classe Association

Annonce -> Estimer -> Competence
Artiste -> Appartient -> Crew
CVArt -> Classement -> Competicion
CVArt   -> Evaluer -> Competence
Artiste -> Appartient -> Crew