
Primitives for working with money and currencies in Python

Primary LanguagePython


Primitives for working with money and currencies in Python


You can install this project directly from the git repository using pip:

$ pip install -e git+http://github.com/poswald/python-money.git@0.0.1#egg=python-money

You do not have to specify the version number but it might be a good idea.


This application contains several classes and functions that make dealing with money easier and less error prone.

Currency Types

The Currency class can be used to represent a type of Currency. It contains values for the currency's code, ISO number, name and the country it's used in. For example:

Currency(code='BZD', numeric='084', name='Belize Dollar', countries=['BELIZE'])

There is a dict of all ISO-4217 currencies:

>>> from money import CURRENCY
>>> print CURRENCY['GBP'].name
Pound Sterling

Money Class

The Money class is available for doing arithmetic on values in defined currencies. It wraps the python Decimal type and gives you several convienience methods. Using this prevents you from making mistakes like adding Pounds and Dollars together, multiplying two money values or comparing different currencies. For example:

>>> usd = Money(amount=10.00, currency=CURRENCY['USD'])
>>> print usd
USD 10.00

>>> jpy = Money(amount=2000, currency=CURRENCY['JPY'])
>>> print jpy
JPY 2000.00

>>> print jpy * usd
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/python-money/money/Money.py", line 79, in __mul__
    raise TypeError, 'can not multiply monetary quantities'
TypeError: can not multiply monetary quantities

>>> print jpy > usd
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/poswald/Projects/python-money/money/Money.py", line 137, in __gt__
    raise TypeError, 'can not compare different currencies'
TypeError: can not compare different currencies

>>> print 1 % usd
USD  0.10

>>> print usd * 5
USD 50.00

>>> print (usd * 5).allocate((50,50))
[USD 25.00, USD 25.00]
>>> print (jpy * 5).allocate((50,50))
[JPY 5000.00, JPY 5000.00]

Default Currency

This package assumes that you have a preferred default currency. Somewhere in your software's initialization you should set that currency:

>>> from money import set_default_currency
>>> set_default_currency(code='USD')
>>> print Money(amount=23.45)
USD 23.45

If you don't you will get a non-specified 'XXX' currency:

>>> print Money(amount=23.45)
XXX 23.45

There is also an exchange rate that may be set:

This default currency and exchange rate is used for arithmetic addition. If you add two monetary values that are in differing currency, they will first be converted into the default currency, and then added together.


This package includes some classes as a convenience to Django users. These are entirely optional.

Model Field

Add a currency field to your models. This field takes similar parameters as the Django DecimalField:

from money.contrib.django.models.fields import MoneyField

class Thing(models.Model):
    price = MoneyField(default=0, max_digits=12, decimal_places=2)

Now run ./manage.py dbsync or South migrate. Your database table will contain a field for holding the value and a second field for the currency type. In postgresql it might look like this:

price          | numeric(12,2)          | not null default NULL::numeric
price_currency | character varying(3)   | not null

The value you get from your model will be a Money class:

thing = Thing.objects.get(id=123)
print repr(thing.price)
USD  199.99

Form Field

The form field used by the models.MoneyField is also called MoneyField in

Running Django Tests

There are some test cases included for the Django types. If you want to run them, add the test application to your INSTALLED_APPS:


Run them with the manage command from your application:

$ ./manage.py test money
Creating test database 'default'...


Ran 8 tests in 0.445s

Destroying test database 'default'...


  • Add more currency symbols to Currency class
  • Add number of decimal places to all Currencies. Who wants to help? :-)
  • Change the addition operation so that it raises an Exception rather than implicitly convert the value
  • Add a convert method to explicitly convert using the exchange rate.
  • Division of money should probably raise a custom error instead of assert on currency mismatch
  • Division of Money should return Money instead of Decimal type


  • Version 0.2.0

    • Fixed an issue with the South introspection rule for MoneyField similar to South #327 You will probably need to generate a new schema migration if you are upgrading.
  • Version 0.1.0

    • Initial version