
Web server log parser

Primary LanguagePHP

log-parser application

Parsing webserver log files using PHP/Symfony with MySQL. Here's a brief guide!


main routes are

/parse : parse log file and persist in Mysql DB /load: load log data directly to MySql DB


Two main approaches

Basic approach consists of parsing and persisting the log file

use of PHP's preg_match_all to match a regular expression

Database Oriented approach

Using a trasaction to load the log file directly to the database using MySql's LOAD DATA INFILE data manipulation statement.

Log Format

The log format used is based on the Apache Common Log Format

The test files has been sourced from Here!

Example user-identifier amine [10/Oct/2014:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326

The presence of a "-" in a field indicates missing data.

  • is the IP address of the client (remote host) which made the request to the server.
  • user-identifier is the RFC 1413 identity of the client.
  • amine is the userid of the person requesting the document.
  • [10/Oct/2014:13:55:36 -0700] is the date, time, and time zone when the server finished processing the request, by default in strftime format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z.
  • "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" is the request line from the client. The method GET, /apache_pb.gif the resource requested, and HTTP/1.0 the HTTP protocol.
  • 200 is the HTTP status code returned to the client. 2xx is a successful response, 3xx a redirection, 4xx a client error, and 5xx a server error.
  • 2326 is the size of the object returned to the client, measured in bytes.

Enhacements and TODO

  • better manage parsing using services and dependeny injection (skinny models and controller)
  • perform data analysis on myqsl database
  • conversion to CSV format for a more adequate use in statistical anlysis (PERL, Py, and R)
  • enhance the speed of MySql's LOAD DATA through ignoring foreign keys and uniqueness constrains
  • enforce file splitting rules for large log files
  • other aspects to be discussed!