
To sort a table in ReactJS by date, you can follow these steps:

First, you need to make sure that the date values are in a standardized format (e.g. ISO 8601).

Create a state variable to keep track of the sorting order (ascending or descending).

Create a sorting function that takes two parameters (a and b), compares the dates of those two elements, and returns either -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second parameter.

Pass the sorting function to the Array.sort method to sort the data array.

Use the state variable to determine the sorting order. If the sorting order is ascending, sort the data array in ascending order. If the sorting order is descending, sort the data array in descending order.

Use the sorted data array to render the table.

Create a button or link that the user can click to change the sorting order.

Editable cell in table

By click on a cell or row, you should be able to edit it