
Setup instructions for privately-hosted grafana/elasticsearch monitoring of condor jobs

Primary LanguagePython

Job/storage monitoring with grafana

Make a working area

mkdir -p ~/monitoring
cd ~/monitoring

Grafana and elasticsearch can be run in a GNU screen. Ingestion scripts can be run in a screen as well, or in a crontab.

Set up elasticsearch

cd ~/monitoring
mkdir elasticsearch
cd elasticsearch
# from https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/targz.html
wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.12.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xzf elasticsearch-7.12.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
cd elasticsearch-7.12.1/ 

# out of the box/default port is 9200
ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms3g -Xmx3g" ./bin/elasticsearch -Ehttp.port=9201

It could also be setup in a self-contained folder via singularity and docker with

echo -e "path.data:`pwd`\npath.logs:`pwd`\nhttp.port:$PORT" > elasticsearch.yml
echo -e "" > jvm.options
echo -e "property.basePath=`pwd`" > log4j2.properties
singularity run \
    --env ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms3g -Xmx3g" \
    --env TINI_SUBREAPER=1 \
    --env ES_PATH_CONF=`pwd` \

but note that this is much hackier than the manual download/startup above.

Set up metrics ingestion

Set up the Python virtual environment

cd ~/monitoring
mkdir ingest
cd ingest

python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
# make sure to match the installed ES version
pip install "elasticsearch>=7.0.0,<8.0.0" "elasticsearch-dsl>=7.0.0,<8.0.0" pytz tqdm requests pandas schedule

And to test it, make a dummy index and insert a document with python:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
import datetime
es = Elasticsearch("localhost:9201")
response = es.index(
    body={"cpu": 20, "date": datetime.datetime.now()}

or with Bash:

curl -X POST "localhost:9200/mytest/docs?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "date": "'$(date +%s000)'",
    "cpu": 20

To read it back,

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch("localhost:9201")
response = es.search(index="mytest", doc_type="docs", body={})

or with SQL:

curl -X POST "localhost:9201/_sql?format=txt" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"query":
    "SELECT * FROM mytest ORDER BY cpu DESC LIMIT 5"
# or {"query": "DESCRIBE mytest"} to see the schema

To translate compact SQL into native ES, you can do

curl -X POST "localhost:9201/_sql/translate?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"query": 
    "SELECT * FROM mytest WHERE cpu=10 ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1"

The mytest index can be dropped later with curl -X DELETE "localhost:9201/mytest?pretty".

Actual ingestion into the condor index is done with the condor.py script and into the hadoop index with the hadoop.py script. Edit ingest/config.py to populate the hadoop namenode host. There are also a couple more scripts in there for more condor information.

The HTCondor logging script saves a set of classads from completed jobs fetched via condor_history since a particular timestamp. Each time the script is run, this since timestamp is calculated as the maximum of the CompletionDate field in the ES database.

source myenv/bin/activate
python ingest.py

Set up grafana

cd ~/monitoring
mkdir grafana
cd grafana

# run docker container via singularity
GF_SERVER_HTTP_PORT=50010 # out of box default is 3000
singularity run \
    --env GF_PATHS_DATA=`pwd` \
# default login is `admin`

Tweak the UI

  • Left panel Server Admin > Users > change admin password
  • Left panel Configuration > Data Sources > Elasticsearch. Change the URL if using a non-standard port. Make this the default data source. Index name = condor, Time field name = CompletionDate. ES Version = 7.0+. Save & Test.
  • Similarly, add a data source for the hadoop index with Time field name = date.
  • Play around and make dashboards.
  • To make a dropdown box to filter by username, Dashboard settings > Variables, then Type = Query, Name/Label = username, ES Data source, Query = {"find": "terms", "field": "Owner.keyword", "size": 50}, Custom all value = *. and finally make sure that the preview shows some usernames. Finally, make sure the Query string is $username for dashboards where you want to filter by username.

A backup of the latest dashboards are in grafana/settings. The grafana.db file is in grafana/.

Misc commands

  • An index can be dumped to json with
# dump from index `condor` in batches of 10000 and only saving the source document content
# add the document id as a field in the source
singularity exec docker://elasticdump/elasticsearch-dump elasticdump \
    --input=http://localhost:9201/condor \
    --output=condor.jsonl \
    --limit 10000 \
    --sourceOnly \
    --overwrite \
    --noRefresh \
    --transform 'doc._source["jid"] = doc._id;'
  • Save this into esql to shortcut SQL queries.
#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ -z "$query" ]; then
    query="show tables"
curl -X POST "$eshost/_sql?format=txt" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"query": "'"$query"'"}'

If run without any arguments, shows all table names. Can then print table schema with esql "describe condor", for example.

  • Top users by day
esql "SELECT histogram(CompletionDate, INTERVAL 1 DAY) as h, Owner as n, count(*) as c from condor GROUP BY h,n HAVING c > 2000"
  • Get list of all unique UCSD T2 node names
esql "select hostname from condor where Site='UCSDT2' and hostname like '%ucsd%' group by hostname"