
Single PHP file for indexing plots (images) in a folder. Live searchable, sortable, etc.

Primary LanguagePHP


Example (try it)


This is a single file PHP script that you can drop into a directory full of images to nicely format them on a page so that they are searchable and sortable. Searching supports live regex. Some Vim keybindings are also provided. Oh, there's also a dark mode, even for the images.

By default, browser-friendly images (png, svg, gif) are displayed, and if a pdf version of the file (same name but with "pdf" as the extension) exists, the images are links to those. If only a pdf file is available, it will be rendered with pdfjs.


With a web server

Just copy index.php into a PHP-supporting web directory with images.


Convert index.php into a static index.html and open it in your browser:

cd testplots
php ../index.php > index.html
open index.html

If you need extra features like .txt below, you can use python's SimpleHTTPServer to serve up the page and bypass the CORS policy:

cd testplots
php ../index.php > index.html
open http://localhost:8000
python3 -m http.server

To quickly serve a directory of images, here is a handy bash function:

function niceserve() {
    curl -sSLO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aminnj/niceplots/master/index.php
    php index.php > index.html
    open http://localhost:$port
    python3 -m http.server $port


  • regex searching with live pattern matching for instant feedback

    • patterns are case-insensitive until an upper-case character is typed (vim set smartcase)
  • dark mode and super-saturation mode (to make colors pop)

  • tree-viewer (supporting shift click for multiple selection/filtering, through jstree) becomes available when there is at least one subdirectory with content

  • copy URL (+search patterns) to clipboard

  • zoomable plots

  • vim-like keybindings

    • g/G to go to top/bottom
    • / to focus the search box
    • y to copy the contents as a URL
    • s/S to sort A-Z/Z-A
    • b to toggle super-saturation mode
    • m to toggle dark mode
    • x to toggle image visibility

The are also some features to display/link auxiliary content.

  • if a description.txt file is found inside the folder with images, the contents are displayed (as HTML) at the top of the final page.

    • if an image name (sans extension) shows up in the description, it is highlighted and becomes a link to the corresponding image
  • if files with the same name as the image, but extensions of txt or extra are found, they become links

    • hovering over these links will show the contents in a transient overlay at the bottom of the page

Helper script for image conversion

You might have a bunch of pdf images from a script and want to (1) convert them all to embeddable png files and (2) upload them to a directory with this niceplots index page. That's where misc/niceplots.sh comes in. Note that this script is basically a template, as these operations are highly dependent upon your configuration/computer, so assume you will need to modify many parts.