
Useful functions/utilities to enable my laziness

Primary LanguageVim Script

Lazy tools that probably nobody will use except for me


The function manifest (all in namespace of lazytools) is as follows:


Toggles between

blah1 blah2 "blah3" 


std::cout <<  " blah1: " << blah1 <<  " blah2: " << blah2 <<  " 'blah3': " << "blah3" <<  std::endl;

so you just list variables you want to dump, hit a short key combo, and you're ready to continue debugging that script that is haunting you still.


The structure of the repo is pathogen-compliant, so

cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone https://github.com/aminnj/vim-lazytools

and put something like this in your .vimrc

autocmd FileType c,cpp nnoremap <leader>cp :call lazytools#CoutTokens()<CR>