⚛️ React component for 🍃 Neshan Leaflet map.

Getting started

In the simple case you just need to add options prop to NeshanMap component and import NeshanLeaflet stylesheet.

import React from 'react';
import NeshanMap from 'react-neshan-map-leaflet'

import './SimpleMap.css';

function SimpleMap() {
  return (
        key: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
        maptype: 'dreamy',
        poi: true,
        traffic: false,
        center: [35.699739, 51.338097],
        zoom: 13

export default SimpleMap;



npm i react-neshan-map-leaflet


Neshan Maps API Loads on Demand

There is no need to place a <script src= tag at top of page. The Neshan Maps API loads upon the first usage of the NeshanMapReactLeaflet component.

Use Laflet Maps API

You can access to Leaflet Maps L , map objects by using onInit.

    key: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
    maptype: 'dreamy',
    poi: true,
    traffic: false,
    center: [35.699739, 51.338097],
    zoom: 13

  onInit={(L, myMap) => {
    let marker = L.marker([35.699739, 51.338097])
      .bindPopup('I am a popup.');

    myMap.on('click', function (e) {

    L.circle([35.699739, 51.348097], {
      color: 'red',
      fillColor: '#f03',
      fillOpacity: 0.5,
      radius: 500

Example here