
(K3IM) Keras 3 Image Models

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[beta] K3IM: Keras 3 Image Models



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Compact Convolution Transformer ✅ 1D, ✅ Image/2D, ✅ 3D, ✅ space-time

CCT proposes compact transformers by using convolutions instead of patching and performing sequence pooling. This allows for CCT to have high accuracy and a low number of parameters.

ConvMixer ✅ 1D, ✅ Image/2D, ✅ 3D, ✅ space-time

ConvMixer uses recipes from the recent isotrophic architectures like ViT, MLP-Mixer (Tolstikhin et al.), such as using the same depth and resolution across different layers in the network, residual connections, and so on.

External Attention Network ✅ 1D, ✅ Image/2D, ✅ 3D, ✅ space-time

based on two external, small, learnable, and shared memories, which can be implemented easily by simply using two cascaded linear layers and two normalization layers. It conveniently replaces self-attention as used in existing architectures. External attention has linear complexity, as it only implicitly considers the correlations between all samples.

Fourier Net ✅ 1D, ✅ Image/2D, ✅ 3D, ✅ space-time

The FNet uses a similar block to the Transformer block. However, FNet replaces the self-attention layer in the Transformer block with a parameter-free 2D Fourier transformation layer: One 1D Fourier Transform is applied along the patches. One 1D Fourier Transform is applied along the channels.

gMLP ✅ 1D, ✅ Image/2D, ✅ 3D, ✅ space-time

The gMLP is a MLP architecture that features a Spatial Gating Unit (SGU). The SGU enables cross-patch interactions across the spatial (channel) dimension, by:

Transforming the input spatially by applying linear projection across patches (along channels). Applying element-wise multiplication of the input and its spatial transformation.

MLP Mixer ✅ 1D, ✅ Image/2D, ✅ 3D, ✅ space-time

MLP-Mixer is an architecture based exclusively on multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs), that contains two types of MLP layers: One applied independently to image patches, which mixes the per-location features. The other applied across patches (along channels), which mixes spatial information. This is similar to a depthwise separable convolution based model such as the Xception model, but with two chained dense transforms, no max pooling, and layer normalization instead of batch normalization.

Simple Vision Transformer ✅ 1D, ✅ Image/2D, ✅ 3D

Simple Vision Transformer with FFT ✅ Image/2D

Simple Vision Transformer with Register Tokens ✅ Image/2D

Swin Transformer ✅ Image/2D

Swin Transformer is a hierarchical Transformer whose representations are computed with shifted windows. The shifted window scheme brings greater efficiency by limiting self-attention computation to non-overlapping local windows while also allowing for cross-window connections.

Vision Transformer ✅ 1D, ✅ Image/2D, ✅ 3D, ✅ space-time