This is simple chatbot framework, but current only supported line with message api. If you have any idea, please let me know.
- LINE (Base on LINE Message Api,
- SQLite
- python-virtualenv
- python-pip
apt install virtualenv
apt install python-pip
- Generate config
cp config.yml.example config.yml
cp reply.yml.example reply.yml
- Update Setting Update your setting into config, and add some reply string into reply.yml
vi config.yml
vi reply.yml
- Setup enviroment
virtualenv --python=python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
we will check this file to generate chat api interface
the image default donwload path
channel_access_token: 'this is channel access token'
url: '/callback_url'
# admin:
# - 'admin line id'
All of response table. We check this table to generate the response table.
the defaule keyword of help string
if bot didn't knew how to response, we will random choose one
a pattern table, we check the request string and match it.