
My dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell


ferris sweep v2

+	~	{	}	%		&	@	<	>	|
_	"	(	)	!		?	:	^	$
-	=	[	]	#		*	;	`	\	/

Other apps

brew install --cask spaceid
brew install --cask keycastr
brew install --cask raycast
brew install --cask monitorcontrol
brew install --cask wezterm

WezTerm and Zellij prev and next tab

wez/wezterm#4251 (comment)

Fix WezTerm and global shortcuts

Some shortcuts has to be redefined in System Settings and not in the app. Chrome and Zellij use shift-cmd-[, therefore WezTerm has to use cmd-[. Minimizing app has to be remapped to something not used.

All Applications
Show Help menu shift-cmd-/
Minimise ctrl-shift-cmd-m
Minimize ctrl-shift-cmd-m
Window->Select Tab->Activate the tab to the left  cmd-[
Window->Select Tab->Activate the tab to the right cmd-]




My config files


# editing mode
micromamba env create -f environment.yml --prefix ./.conda
fish_add_path .conda/bin/
pip install pywatchman
watchman-make -p '**' -t install

# check drift
make status

# install changes
make install