
A 3D tracking solution that connects ArtiSynth, through a VRPN protocol, to a tracking device

Primary LanguageC++

To setup VRPN for ArtiSynth:

  • include vrpn.jar to libraries of ArtiSynth.
  • add -Djava.library.path="path/to/artisynth-tracking/artisynth_jaw_tracking/lib to VM arguments of the run configurations.

In this approach, ArtiSynth will be the VRPN client which receives the data from a specified VRPN server.

The ./certus_tracker implements a VRPN server (and a VRPN client for test purposes) to transfer the data from the NDI Optotrak Certus to ArtiSynth. The ./lib directory contains the VRPN library for C++. You only need to use it if your client is implemented in C (e.g. using Optotrak Certus).