
a mobx view of colyseus state

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


a mobx view of colyseus state. continues the work in https://github.com/a-rts/colyseus-mobx

version support

Written for Mobx 5.x, but should probably work with other Mobx versions.

Due to breaking API changes in Colyseus, this version only supports Colyseus 0.14 and above (@colyseus/schema >= 1.0.2)

Pending support

The schema types new to Colyseus 0.14 (CollectionSchema and SetSchema) are not yet supported. please open an issue if you would like to use them.


npm install colyseus-mobx --save

How to use

Import getMobxView and call it once when connecting to a room on the client side,

import { getMobxView } from 'colyseus-mobx';
const room: Room<GameState> = await client.joinOrCreate("game");
const mobxState = getMobxView(room.state);

then you can wire observers to mobxState and start rendering.

Developer instructions

Installing workspace

to install a development environment, you need to have node.js git installd. Then, git clone this repo locally and run:

$ npm install
$ npm test

and that's it, you've just installed the development environment!

This project is written with VSCode in mind. specifically configured for these extensions: dbaeumer.vscode-eslint, esbenp.prettier-vscode.


npm run test

execute all tests.


npm run clean

Removes any built code and any built executables.


npm run build

Cleans, then builds the library.

Your built code will be in the ./dist/ directory.