
A movie app Project

Movie app project that connects to API and has a list of movies, genres, search movies, and also movies in different genres. This project is based on flutter_bloc(cubit) and retrofit as client manager (handle GET and POST methods). You can create your movie and upload an image of the movie in /screens/add_movie_page.dart and search it.

API link is:

The Design of the project is a dribble shot(some additional pages have been designed by myself because those pages like genre list or latest movies or movie photos weren't on that dribble shot) with a little bit of change that I have done.

The design link is:

Last but not least, on the movie detail page you see 2 tabs(actors and writers) that has a list of actors and writers, those actor and writer images are not real, and the list of images that placed in utils/image_list.dart file are random images.


Main page Movie detail page Movie detail page with movie photos Movie list in a genre page Genre list page Movie search page Add movie page Add movie page

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