Spring social 2 Cloud

Goal of the application is to create secured Spring Web application, that enables sign in via Oauth2 (github) and Oidc (google) providers.

PostgreSQL database is used to provide persistence.

Application is intended to be deployed to the cloud.


Prerequisites for developing / running app locally (checked are mandatory)

  • java
  • docker
  • git
  • maven

Running app locally

To start application locally, run following commands from the root of the project:

  1. start required auxiliary services
    docker compose up -d
  1. run spring application using spring-boot runner
    ./mvnw spring-boot:run
  1. access the app at:

To use Google and Github log in locally / in cloud, you'll have to register oauth2 applications with github (Oauth2) and google (Oidc).

You'll be given CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET which you'll need to place in your environment variables:





Application will automatically pick up and use given values.

Youtube tutorials

Series of Youtube tutorials where application is developed step by step accompanies the repository.

Youtube playlist:


Cloud providers

Various cloud providers will be used to deploy the app.


Railway.app is used as one of the cloud providers to deploy our app.

Railway exposes environment variables (${{Postgres.*}}) for database after provisioning Postgres instance.

Dynamic properties can be used to connect spring application to database:

property value
DB_USER ${{Postgres.PGUSER}}
DB_URL jdbc:postgresql://${{Postgres.PGHOST}}:${{Postgres.PGPORT}}/${{Postgres.PGDATABASE}}


Render.com can host docker images, postgres, redis and other services as explained in separate youtube tutorial:


We use render.yaml, infrastructure as code, configuration file in the root of our project to define services we need and how to connect them by using environment variables.


clever-cloud.com can host java maven/gradle projects, docker images, postgres, redis, cellar (amazon aws s3 like) and other services.

We use clever CLI to provision, deploy and connect services and resources.

Example of using clever CLI to create ss2c (Spring Social 2 Cloud) docker type app, provisioning postgres database and linking it as an addon for our application.

  1. create app

clever create --type docker ss2c

  1. add postgres database add on

clever addon create postgresql-addon db --link ss2c

Once postgres addon has been added to our app, we can use environment variables clever cloud automatically provides to connect to database:

property value

We do that by setting up clever_cloud spring profile as environment variable in clever cloud application and using: spring.config.activate.on-profile=clever_cloud in application.properties to adjust datasource properties.

  1. deploy/restart app

clever deploy

github actions workflows

Project has 2 github actions workflows that showcase how to

  • create (clever-cloud-create-docker-app.yml)
  • and deploy (clever-cloud-deploy-app.yml) app from GitHub CI/CD settings.