
PS3 WebMan mod API wrapper and scraper for Python

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

pyps3webman - PS3 WebMan MOD API Wrapper and scraper

Allows for one to control a PS3 remotely: Send notification, browse directories, mount games and more.


Initialize WebMan Connection

from ps3webman import *
webman = WebMan(ip='', port=80)

Get CPU and RSX Temperatures

cpu_temp, rsx_temp = webman.get_temps()
print(f"CPU Temperature: {cpu_temp}°C, RSX Temperature: {rsx_temp}°C")

Get Fan Speed

fan_speed = webman.get_fan_speed()
print(f"Current Fan Speed: {fan_speed}%")

Get HDD Space

hdd_space = webman.get_hdd_space()
print(f"Free HDD Space: {hdd_space} GB")

Send Notification

webman.notify(msg="Hello from Python!", iconType=NotificationIconType.INFO, buzzType=BuzzType.SIMPLE) # buzzType is optional

Make the Console Beep


Get Directory Listing

directory = webman.get_directory(path='/dev_hdd0/')
print("Directory Listing for /dev_hdd0/:")
# files = directory.get_files()
# directories = directory.get_directories()
# both files and directories = directory.get_listing()
for file_or_directory in directory.get_listing():
  print((file_or_directory.name, file_or_directory.path))

Find a specific file

directory = webman.get_directory(path='/dev_hdd0')
file = directory.get_file('HENplugin.sprx') # returns None if it doesnt exist
if file:
  print('HENplugin.sprx exists, HEN probably installed')
  print(f'File path: {file.path}, size in bytes {file.get_size()}, MD5 {file.get_md5()}, download URL {file.get_url()}')

Get List of Games

games = webman.get_games_list()
print("List of Games:")
for game in games:
    print(game.title, game.directory_path)

Get a Game Cover

games = webman.get_games_list()
for game in games:
  print(f"downloading cover for {game.title}")
  # game.icon is a PS3File object, the same you would get from a directory listing
  url = game.icon.get_url()
  md5 = game.icon.get_md5()
  # logic to download and verify the icon would go in here

Mount a Game

games = webman.get_games_list()
if games:
    print(f"{games[0].title} is now mounted!")
    print("No games found.")