CRAG artifact

This artifact supports the following article on Circular Reference Attribute Grammars:

The artifact demonstrates how circular reference attributes can be used to compute Nullable, First, and Follow for context-free grammars.

System requirements

You only need to have Java and Ant installed.

Other tools are bundled with the project (JavaCC, JastAdd, JUnit).

Build and run



Run test cases:

ant test

Clean up (remove generated files):

ant clean

The example explained

A language CFG is defined that allows context-free grammars to be written on Backus-Naur Form. JastAdd aspects with circular attributes are used for defining the following properties:

  • nullable(): true if a nonterminal can derive the empty string.
  • first(): the set of terminal symbols that derivations of a nonterminal can start with
  • follow(): the set of terminal symbols that can follow a nonterminal in a derivation

The properties nullable(), first(), and follow() can be defined using equations that are mutually recursive. For example, the value of nullable() for a nonterminal depends on the value of nullable() for other nonterminals, possibly including itself. Similarly, first() and follow() are recursively defined. Additionally, first() depends on nullable(), and follow() depends on both first() and nullable().

The mutually recursive equations can be mapped in a straight-forward way to circular attributes.

The potential values of a circular attribute must be arranged in a lattice of finite height, and all equations must be monotonic. I.e., a new approximation, computed using a given approximation, must always be at the same or a higher level in the lattice. The computation can then be performed with a terminating iteration.

The nullable() attribute makes use of a boolean lattice with FALSE at the bottom and TRUE at the top, and OR as the monotonic operation.

The first() and follow() attributes make use of set lattices with the empty set at the bottom and the set of all terminal symbols in the grammar at the top, and UNION as the monotonic operation.

The implementation also makes use of a reference attribute decl() that binds a use of a nonterminal (an NUse) to the appropriate declared nonterminal (an NDecl). An NDecl occurs on the left-hand side of a grammar rule, and an NUse occurs on the right-hand side.

Files to look at


  • Grammars
    • CFG.ast: Abstract grammar for the CFG language.
    • CFGrammar.jjt: Parsing grammar for the CFG language. Contains semantic actions to build the abstract syntax tree. Written in the JJTree format which is a preprocessor for the parser generator JavaCC.
  • Aspects
    • NameAnalysis.jrag: Defines the decl() attribute that binds a nonterminal use (NUse) to its declaration (NDecl).
    • Nullable.jrag: Defines the nullable() attribute.
    • First.jrag: Defines the first() attribute.
    • Follow.jrag: Defines the follow() attribute.
    • PrettyPrint.jrag: Defines a String attribute pp() that is a prettyprinted representation of the CFG.

Tested grammars

The directory TestGrammars contains a number of context-free grammars which are used in the test cases.

  • TestGrammarSimple: A very simple context-free grammar.
  • Grammars for testing special cases of empty and alternative productions:
    • TestEmptyProd
    • TestEmptyAlternativeProd
    • TestAlternativeEmptyProd
    • TestAlternativeEmptyProd
    • TestFirstEmptyAlternatives
  • TestAppelGrammar: A small but nontrivial example grammar, taken from Andrew Appel's book Modern Compiler Implementation in Java.
  • TestManyProds: A small grammar used for testing the prettyprinting functionality.
  • Java grammar: A context-free grammar for Java 1.2 taken from the JavaCC project. The grammar is sorted alphabetically in order to facilitate comparison with expected results.
    • TestJavaGrammarSorted: The Java 1.2 grammar
    • TestJavaGrammarNullableResult: The expected result for the computation of nullable() for each nonterminal.
    • TestJavaGrammarFirstResult: The expected result for first().
    • TestJavaGrammarFollowResult: The expected result for follow().

Test cases

  • testframework is a directory containing general classes for testing.

    • compares the contents of two files, ignoring whitespace.
    • is used for running all test cases. It shows an interactive panel with the test results.
  • tests is a directory containing JUnit test cases. The test cases make use of the tested grammars described above.

    • Test cases for the nullable() attribute.
    • Test cases for the first() attribute.
    • Test cases for the follow() attribute.
    • Test cases for the decl() attribute.
    • Tests that prettyprinting a parsed file gives back the original file (modulo whitespace).


  • tools is a dir containing bundled tools: JavaCC, JastAdd, and JUnit.
  • AST: Java package containing parser classes generated by JavaCC and AST classes generated by JastAdd. Attributes are represented by (pure) methods in the AST classes.
  • build.xml: The Ant build file.

Build steps when running ant test:

  • JavaCC is run on the jjt file to produce Java code for the parser.
  • JastAdd is run on the ast and jrag files to produce Java code for the attributed abstract syntax tree classes.
  • Javac is run to compile all the Java code.
  • is run to run all JUnit test cases.

Main contributors

Eva Magnusson and Görel Hedin, Lund University, Sweden

This code was originally developed in 2005, under CVS.

To run specific test

ant build
java  -Xmx16g -cp .:tools/junit.jar testframework.TestAll -text TestFollow.class