
IceCast stream download / subscription

Primary LanguageC#


By providing an Url and Access Token, this website rips the IceCast stream or partitions the stream into .mp3 file and subsequently uploads the song to a service (ftp, dropbox or etc.)

This service is free, we do not own the ripped .mp3 files and we do not store them, only store them in your file sharing service.


  • StreamRipper: used to rip online radios
  • SignalR: used to send live log and song infos to the front-end
  • ReactiveX: used to manage concurrency
  • EntityFramework.Core: database ORM
  • Microsoft.AspNet.Identity: for authentication


  • Make sure you have the .NET Core SDK installed (Download)
  • To view environment variables make sure to install heroku cli and then
    • heroku config --json --app="stream-subscription-api"


  • Thanks to @nabster for help with last.fm integration

