
Converts YouTube playlist to Spotify

Primary LanguageSvelte

youtube2spotify - YouTube To Spotify

This tool synchronizes your YouTube playlists to Spotify playlists, intelligently searching for artist & title based on the YouTube video's name, skipping duplicates and offering the possibility for manual overrides.

This can be useful if you use YouTube for music discovery, add the music videos you like to a playlist and want to ensure that your discovered items are added to Spotify as well which you use for regular music listening.

In order to work, it requires access to your YouTube and Spotify accounts, but it runs entirely in your browser and communicates only with YouTube and Spotify servers and does not store any data at all.

How to use

As this tool is a web application, you can use the hosted version at https://youtube2spotifyamir.herokuapp.com/.

Note that this version uses free API keys therefore might get throttled/limited/banned by Google or Spotify if used extensively. In this case you are welcome to run it on your own.

Building and running

This tool is a web application written in Svelte, which compiles to a bunch of static HTML/JS/CSS files.

To compile, first you will need to supply the API keys that will be embedded in the generated files. You can specify them as environment variables or in a .env file:

Make sure that the credentials are configured with the proper origin.

With these, you can compile the source with the following commands (you will need Node.js and npm installed):

$ git clone https://github.com/yt2sp/yt2sp.git
$ cd youtube2spotify
$ npm install
$ npm run build

The compiled files will be in the public directory, which you can serve with any kind of static web hosting, or alternatively, directly from the directory with the following command:

$ npm start