
JobHacker Community tasks

Primary LanguageJava


JobHacker repository is for Community Tasks Delivery (Java Developer Track)

Java Core

1. Basics

  1. Setup Development Environment:

  2. Study:

  3. Tasks:

2. OOP & UML

  1. Study

  2. Tasks

3. String

  1. Study: String

  2. Tasks:

    • Task 1: Reverse a String: Write a program that takes a String input from the user and prints out the reverse of that string.
    • Task 2: Check if a String is a Palindrome: Write a program that takes a String input from the user and checks if it is a Palindrome (a word or phrase that reads the same backward as forward).
    • Task3:
    • Bonus Task: Write a program that prints the number of occurrences of the given word in the string, Perform the above task using only methods of the String class (Using 2 ways) and Perform the above task using the StringTokenizer class.

4. Exceptions & IO

  1. Study

  2. Tasks

    • Task 1: ( InputMismatchException ) Write a program that prompts the user to read two integers and displays their sum. Your program should prompt the user to
      Read the number again if the input is incorrect.

    • Task 2: (Count words) Write a program that counts the number of words in the file Task instructions:

      • Use this input file
      • Make a file named Lincoln.txt.
      • Copy the text on this URL and paste it into the file.
      • Print the number of the words inside the file.
    • Task 3: (Calculate the sum and average from a file) Suppose the text file on the Web input file contains an unspecified number of scores separated by spaces. Write a program that reads the scores from the internet and stores them into the file. Then, calculate the sum and average of these values. Task instructions:

      • Make a file named Scores.txt.
      • Read the values in the URL and store them inside the file.
      • Make a function that reads the values from the file and prints the sum and average of the values inside the file.

      Code Structure: * Make a function(readFromWebToFile) that will take a URL and return a file. This method will read the data from the URL and store it in the file named Scores.txt * Make a function(getSum) that will take a file and return an integer value representing the sum of the values inside the file. * Make a function (getAverage) that will take a file and return an integer value representing the average of the values inside the file.

5. Collections

  1. Study:

  2. Tasks:

6. Java 8

  1. Study:

2. Tasks


  1. Study:

2. Tasks


OCA & OCP Books

Web Basics

1. Web Overview

  1. Study

2. Servlet & JSP

  1. Study
  2. Task

3. XML & Maven

  1. Study

Spring Boot

1. Spring Introduction

  1. Study
  2. Task: In the Video

2. Spring Core


3. Spring Boot


4. Spring MVC


5. Hibernate


Session Record

5. Spring Security

Session Record

6. Notes

Important Topics

Clean Code Book sessions

Agile sessions

Solid Principles

Design Patterns



Soft Skills

Technical skills



  • Requirements:

    • Back-end:
      • create a todo application with the following:
        • Spring Boot
        • Spring Data for database connectivity
        • Spring Security for user authentication and authorization
      • Please use Postman to test your API.
  • Front-end:
