
how to create nework namespace in linux


how to create nework namespace in linux

what is nework namespace ?

to isolate the network resources of system define as network namespace.

what kind of resources are isolate in network namespace ?

1-network device
2-routing table
3-ipv4 $ ipv6
4-firewall rules
5-port number
6-/proc/net directory

the enviroment of system is a firest namespace


network namespace now we implement this structure:
on the vm :

# python3 -m http.server 8080

create namespace:

# ip netns add apple_ns

list of ns (namespace):

# ip netns list 

delete namespace :

# ip netns delete apple_ns 

start http server on namespace :

# ip netns exec apple_ns python3 -m http.server 8080

so as we see , we don't have port conflict in different namespace.
for checking network NIC of ns :

# ip netns exec apple_ns ip  a  s

now for checking webserver we can use use curl command but as you see with below command , loopback interface is down and we should up the interface

# ip netns exec apple_ns curl localhost:8080
# ip netns exec apple_ns ip link set dev lo up
# ip netns exec apple_ns ip a s

for connecting two interface , the solution is making virtual interface:

# ip link add dev host_veth type veth peer name apple_veth
# ip link list

we should transfer apple_veth interface to namespace:

# ip link set apple_veth netns aplle_ns
# ip netns exec apple_ns ip link list

now up the interface and assign ip :

# ip link set dev host_veth up
# ip address add dev hsot_veth
# ip netns exec apple_ns ip link set dev apple_veth up
# ip netns exec apple_ns ip address add dev apple_veth
# ip netns exec apple_ns ip a s
# ping -c 4
# ping -c 4

ping should be ok ✔️

# curl

its ok ✔️
but we don't have google ping form apple namespace ✖️

# ip netns exec aplle_ns ip route add default via
# sysctl -w net.ipv4_ip_forward=1
# sysctl -p
# ip link list

now create rule on firewall to transfer traffic form virtual interface to real interface :

# iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface host_veth --out-interface enp0s7 --jump ACCEPT
# iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface enp0s7 --out-interface host_veth --jump ACCEPT
# iptables --append POSTROUTING --table nat --out-interface enp0s7 --jump MASQUERADE

now google ping from apple namespace is ok ✔️