
Source for the presentation done at the .NET user group, Mar 2011

Primary LanguageC#

Decoupling using Event Aggregator - Dot Net User Group - Mar 2011

Author: Amir Barylko
Contact: amir@barylko.com
Twitter: @abarylko

The source in this repository contains the demo used for the presentation.

Folder structure of the project:
		--- MavenThought.MediaLibrary.sln : Main solution file
		--- Rakefile: Main rake file to launch build, test, etc. Do rake -T to get all the tasks available.
		+-- main: Project files included in the solution
		+-- test: Test project files included in the solution
		+-- tools: Tools used to run tests, xslt, etc.

Prerequisites to run it:
	* Install ruby.
		Here some instructions: http://rubyinstaller.org/

	* Make sure ruby is in the path, then run the following commands:
		- gem update --system
		- gem install rake bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc
Prerequisites to modify it:
	* VS 2010
Sanity check:
	* From command prompt, on the root of the project run "rake -T", u should see all the tasks.
	* From command prompt, on the root of the project run "rake test:all", all tests should run, u should see the output on the command window.
Any issues setting up the code let me know and I'll help you.

Any comments, bugs, issues, please contact me.
