
A SIC/XE assembler, school homework

Primary LanguageC++

1.0 - Hax Assembler Overviw

The Hax Assembler (HASM) translates a hax assembly input (.hasm) file into a SIC/XE
compatible object program (.obj) which can be loaded by the Hax Loader.

This software is written for studying purposes.

1.1 - Hax Assembler Specifications

- SIC Format 1 and Format 2 support
- SIC/XE Format 3 and Format 4 support
- Literals support
- Program blocks support
- Relocatable programs only
- SIC/XE Register-to-Register instructions
- Addressing modes supported:
  1. Immediate addressing
  2. Indirect addressing
  3. Base-relative indexing
  4. PC-relative indexing
- Multiple-pass assembling
- Expression support

1.2 - SIC/XE Format Specifications

Instruction format field lengths are specified within {}, and are 1-bit long when
the braces are omitted.

1.2.0 - Format 1

  Length: 1 byte
  Format: [ opcode{8} ]

1.2.1 - Format 2

  Length: 2 bytes
  Format: [ opcode{8} ][ r1{4} ][ r2{4} ]

1.2.2 - Format 3 (SIC upward-compatible)

  Length: 3 bytes
  Format: [ opcode{6} ][n][i][x][b][p][e][ disp{12} ]

1.2.3 - Format 4 (SIC/XE only)

  Length: 4 bytes
  Format: [ opcode{6} ][n][i][x][b][p][e][ target address{20} ]


  Format 4 (extended) instructions are denoted by prefixing the first operand with '+', ie: