You should be in api folder and follow the next steps:
pip install rasa==1.5.3
pip install Tensorflow-datasets==1.3.0
pip install Flask-PyMongo==2.3.0
pip install flask==1.1.2
pip install flask_cors==3.0.8
pip install flask-compress==1.5.0
pip install flask_jwt_extended==3.24.1
pip install isodate==0.6.0
pip install bcrypt==3.2.0
Before running the project for the first time and for a security purpose, you should replace the default values of environment variables inside api:
- ADMIN_PWD The ADMIN_LOGIN and ADMIN_PWD will be used for authentication inside Boticot Admin
flask run --port 8010
To use your local environment variables for development, you need to create a new file .env in api folder and override default exisiting value in .flaskenv file. Your local .env file will be ignored by git.
You should be in admin folder and follow the next steps:
Node 12
yarn install
yarn serve
You should be in trainer folder and follow the next steps:
pip install rasa==1.5.3
pip install Tensorflow-datasets==1.3.0
pip install Flask-PyMongo==2.3.0
pip install flask==1.1.2
pip install flask_cors==3.0.8
pip install flask-compress==1.5.0
pip install isodate==0.6.0
flask run --port 8011
To use your local environment variables for development, you need to create a new file .env in trainer folder and override default exisiting value in .flaskenv file. Your local .env file will be ignored by git.