
This Python application listens for incoming Skype messages. If your username is mentioned, it plays an alarm to notify you. The application can be configured to monitor specific users and groups. It uses the skpy library for Skype interaction, pygame for sound alerts, kavenegar for sending SMS, and pystray for system tray icon functionality.

Primary LanguagePython

Project Overview

This project is a Python application that interacts with Skype and sends alerts based on certain events. It uses the skpy library to interact with Skype, pygame for sound, kavenegar for sending SMS, and pystray for system tray icon functionality.


Install Package Requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Application

To run the application, use the following command:

python ./main.py


python3 ./main.py

Building an Executabl

To build an executable file from this project, use the following command:

pyinstaller main.spec

And then run the executable file from the dist directory.