- airysenSberbank
- badbadcodeShanghai University of Finance and Economics
- beckybaiDuke University
- bendboaz
- BerenliuChina
- bigheiniu
- caojiangxiaBeijing
- ChrisejorgeNEC Lab China
- crazyofappleShenzhen
- Epsilon-LeeIndependent thinker
- FanwangMQueen's University
- FCY36
- fly51flyPRIS
- GuyLorTechnion - Israel Institute of Technology
- jbdatascienceNetherlands
- jvpoulosBrigham and Women's Hospital
- kunzhanLanzhou University
- laszlokiralyVienna
- LFhaseSomeplace
- moritzketzerHumboldt University Berlin
- nadavoTechnion - Israel Institute of Technology
- nitinthewizAutoMedia
- pauldebdeep9
- PluviophileYUunknown
- ratthachat
- rdlang
- rguo12London
- shiquanyang
- shlomihodBoston
- Soung-LowNatWest Group
- sungjinl
- tilmanbeckTU Darmstadt
- WANGXinyiLindaUCSB
- Xun-YangHefei
- yolandahq