💫 About Me:

I have started learning programming professionally since 2018 and I am still continuing and this cycle continues to infinity ...

In the beginning, I was trained with online courses (video trainings)...but later I was not limited to this source and I use all sources, including videos, texts, documents, videos, blogs, books, etc. ...

I love programming in Rust. And I would like the backend of the websites I write to be in this language ... this language is wonderful!

I like the open source world very much. I love Linux and I program with Linux ... because it gives me more freedom ...

🌐 Socials:

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💻 Tech Stack:

JavaScript PHP Rust TypeScript SASS TailwindCSS Vue.js Yarn NodeJS JWT Laravel Express.js Bootstrap Gulp Next JS NestJS Socket.io Svelte Postgres MariaDB SQLite Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Figma Docker LINUX

📊 GitHub Stats:

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