
 1-pip install pypylon
 2-clone repository


To view the documents, first clone the project and then go to docs/build/html folder and open index.html.

Step1: Get Devices And Camera

you can get cameras in two ways, by the get_all_cameras function or get_camera_by_serial . the get_all_cameras function, return list of available cameras in your ideal camera class like GigE, USB and etc. If pass camera_class argument None, it returns all cameras in different classes

import dorsaPylon
from dorsaPylon import Collector, Camera

collector = Collector()

#get avialble cameras That Are GigE
gige_cameras = collector.get_all_cameras(camera_class=dorsaPylon.CamersClass.gige)

#get all avialble cameras 
all_cameras = collector.get_all_cameras(camera_class=None)

#get specific camera
cam = collector.get_camera_by_serial('123456')

Camera Functions


Infoes attribute is used for showing all camera information like serial number and model

model = camera.Infos.get_model()
print(f'model: {model}')

serial = camera.Infos.get_serialnumber()
print(f'serial: {serial}')

is_gige = camera.Infos.is_GigE()
print(f'is camera GigE: {is_gige}')


>> model: Emulation
>> serial: 0815-0000
>> is camera GigE: False


The Parms attribute is used to set all camera parameters like gain and exposure. you can also use this attribute to read parameters from the camera

#Parms is useing for set camera options
gain = camera.Parms.get_gain()
print(f'gain is {gain}')

trigger = camera.Parms.get_trigger_mode()
print(f'trgigger is {trigger}')


>> GainRaw should be in range 192 up to 1023  in this device
>> gain is 192
>> trgigger is On

for some features, you can use availble_xxxx methods to get all possible values that you can set for that specific value

possible_triggerselector_value = camera.Parms.availble_triggerselector_values()
print(f'possible trigger selector value is:{possible_triggerselector_value}')


possible trigger selector value is:('AcquisitionStart',)


The status attribute is used to get the status of the camera like camera grabbing status or is camera open or not and also stuff like camera temperature
is_open = camera.Status.is_open()
print(f'camera is open:{is_open}')

is_grabbing = camera.Status.is_grabbing()
print(f'camera is grabbing:{is_grabbing}')

trigg_status = camera.Status.is_trigger_on()


>> camera is open:True
>> camera is grabbing:True

Grab Image

for grabbing images, you can easily use the getPictures method. if you need to change pixel type, for example when you using a mono camera, you can change pixel type by the build_converter function. see example

#define your ideal pixel_type, defualt is BGR8
img = camera.getPictures()
cv2.imshow('img', img)

Camera Emulation

this library support camera emulation. To enable camera emulation you can use the enable_camera_emulation method in the Collector class. you should pass the number of cameras that you want into this method. after calling this method, camera emulation would be added to the list of devices

collector = Collector()
#enable camera emulation and pass your ideal camera counts
#get avialble cameras in class of emlulation
cameras = collector.get_all_cameras(camera_class=dorsaPylon.CamersClass.emulation)
cam1 = cameras[0]


1- search node

if you are using a specific camera and you need a custom feature, you can use the search_in_nodes(*keywords) method to find your desired feature( node ) in the camera. this function gets one or more keywords in the str type and returns all nodes in your camera that contain these keywords. in this example, we want to find all features of the camera that are related to the gain keyword.

nodes_name = cam1.search_in_nodes('gain')
print(f'first nodes name is {nodes_name[0]}')


>> first nodes name is GainRaw

now you can set a value to this node by its name. you can use the set_node method

cam1.Parms.set_node('GainRaw', 195)
gain = cam1.Parms.get_node('GainRaw')
print(f'gain set {gain}')


>> gain set 195

if possible values for a node are predefined strings (e.g. 'On', 'Off' ), you can use the x method to get all possible values that could be set to the node

node_name = 'ExposureMode'
possible_values = cam1.Parms.availble_node_values(node_name)
print(f'possible value for {node_name} is: {possible_values}')


possible values for ExposureMode are: ('Timed',)