
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

German rental offers


In schema_detection.py we have looked to data frame and gathered some clue to design schema of tables here is the design.

sql schema migration to create tables in postgres is in sql/create_tables.sql. we also created a VIEW which shows aggregation of data.

we selected postgres docker image as our database and as its documents suggests we exposed our migrations to docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ of container, sql files which are in this directory will be run after starting the container.



we have containerized our application project inside Dockerfile-app to keep setup process simple we have defined docker-compose.yml which serves both database and application

to run the project in background run the following:

docker-compose up -d

and to stop run the following command:

docker-compose down


run the followings for test

pytest ./tests

Model versioning

This part is done using following steps:


pip install --upgrade pip
pip install dvc
dvc add #the name of your data or model(deep model or ML one)#
git add #the .dvc file #
dvc push
git push

As I did not have such cloud storage so dvc push won't work. I just give the link of google drive for each data bellow:



This original data located at here


This is a preprocessed version of immo_data.csv following instructions in data_prepare_visualize.ipynb without text data (description and facilities field ) .This data located at here


This data is as same as immo_data_clean.csv but with facilities and description columns in order to train the BERT for text. This data located at here


I have used many models for training on this data such as XgBoost,CatBoost,LightGBM and Neural Nets and for data which contains text data(description and facilities fields included) I have trained a MultiModal Transformer which consists of a German Bert and MLP together.

Note:Ensemble models perform better than Deep models for tabular data as our data is tabular, I follow almost all ensemble models(catboost,xgboost,LightGBM,CatBoost)


This model is based on gradient boosting and is one of the ensemble methods which is so powerful for tabular data. This part is in the xgboost_final.ipynb

Note: this model is trained on data without description and facilities fields


This library contains almost all of ensemble models and some deep models such as BERT and after data preparation we feed the data into this model which all is in auto_gloun_with_text.ipynb and autogloun_without_text.ipynb

Note:All log of this model and weights(for with_text config) is here and for without_text config model located at here

As mentioned, we have two type of data(with and without description and facilities) which we train AutoGloun model for both of these data

For training the auto_gloun_with_text.ipynb I have rented a colabPRO(as it is a big model) and it took about 6 hours to train this model on it as it used pretrained German BERT which is raely a big model. THe results for data without text(without facilities and description fields)(r2_score) is as following:

MarineGEO circle logo

THe results for data with text(without facilities and description fields)(r2_score) is as following:

MarineGEO circle logo


This is a abstract view of my model:

MarineGEO circle logo

This part is the most sophisticated part of my work where I combined the feature extracted from the BERT and numerical and boolean feature to train the final MLP the notebook related to this is German_BERT_rent_prediction.ipynb

All log of this model and weights are here

As you may know that transformers computation is so high so I rent a colabPRO to train this model and takes about 6 hours to train on 2 epoch and reached to RMSE: 516.35.

NOTE:We must partition data into three chunks of train,validation and test because when we want to tune the hyperparameters we should not use test data in order no to overestimate the performance of model but as I did not have enough computation power I just use two chunk of train and test. It is so important that my test data has no contribution to select the hyperparameter of the model so as to prevent model from data leakage.

NOTE:GermanBERT is based on 🤗Hugging Face

The full report of my method and results are found here