Updated: 3/28/2018
Python version: v3.6.4
This is an attempt to write a working BSIM-CMG model in Python. Currently DC and RDSMOD = 0 only.
Step 1: Add or modify model and instance parameters in 'modelcard.l'
Step 2: Run 'test.py' and see results.
Note: You can compare the results with commercial simulators like HSPICE.
Please help me debug this tool. Send feedback to huanlinberkeley@gmail.com
vd = 1.0
vg = 1.0
vs = 0.0
vb = 0.0
temp = 27.0
L = 16e-9
NFIN = 4
VSAT = 125000
U0 = 0.025
Id = 3.592760184e-04 A
Ig = 0.000000000e+00 A
Is = -3.592760184e-04 A
Ib = 0.000000000e+00 A