Checker on location weather info

Getting Up and Running

1- install locally without docker (BLAZINGLY FAST!)

Installing the app on your local machine, you can run tests and test coverage commands directly.

How to install:

1-1: Install poetry:

curl -sSL | python

1-2: Installing dependencies:

make install

1-3: Run server:

make server

you can access the API using the following url:

$ curlüsseldorf

1-4: Run tests:

make test

1-5: Get coverage report:

make coverage

2- install using docker


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • .env file: you can use .env.example file as a template. just rename it to .env file.

How to install:

2-1- Build the Stack: Open a terminal at the project root and run the following for local development:

$ docker-compose build 

# you can use makefile too:
$ make docker-build

2-2- Run the docker-compose:

$ docker-compose up

# you can use makefile too:
$ make docker-run

you can access the API using the following url:

$ curlüsseldorf

run tests on docker container:

$ make docker-test

some notes:

  1. cache WeatherChecker.get endpoint by a ttl based strategy
  2. due to time limitation I've test covered only some parts of the app. For other parts I've added some hints to how one should write tests.
  3. I used strategy pattern to register and use registered checkers. how to add additional checkers:
from import checker

def new_checker(location):
    if condition:
        return True, 'Success message'
    return False, 'Fail reason!'